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Call for papers

10th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management

December 7-9, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana (USA)


Building Bridges between Ibero and American Scholars: Establishing links between scholars, managers, and management theory and practice within the Iberoamerican Community.


We invite submissions to the 10th International Conference of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management from different management disciplines that rate high on theoretical and methodological rigor. Although we welcome all papers that focus on traditional management topics, we are particularly interested in those that involve multi-level phenomena and that respond to the challenges and opportunities faced by our rapidly evolving world. Indeed, it has been suggested that a micro or a macro lens alone yields incomplete understanding of the phenomenon under study, and that multilevel research addresses the levels of theory, measurement, and analysis required to fully examine research questions. Selected papers will be invited for publication on a conference related special issue of Management Research, the official journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management.


The 2017 Iberoamerican Academy of Management Conference will hold in New Orleans, LA USA from December 7-9, and will feature the following keynote speakers:


1. Herman Aguinis - Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar, Professor of Management, George Washington University.

2. Angelo DeNisi - Albert Harry Cohen Chair of Business Administration, Tulane University.

3. Donald C. Hambrick - Smeal Chaired Professor of Management, Pennsylvania State University.

4. Michael A. Hitt – University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University, Distinguished Research Fellow, Texas Christian University.

5. R. Duane IrelandUniversity Distinguished Professor, Benton Cocanougher Chair in Business, Texas A&M University

6. Larry WilliamsDonald and Shirley Clifton Chair of Survey Science, Director of the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis (CARMA), Professor of Management, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Please visit the website to learn more about the upcoming conference:  http://www.iberoacademy.org/conferences-home

Papers must be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Submissions should be identified for inclusion in only one of the following tracks:

o          Strategic Management and Business Policy

o          International Management

o          Entrepreneurship and Family Business

o          Technology and Innovation Management

o          Organizational Behavior and HRM

o          Learning & Education

o         Marketing

o         Public Policy

o         Economics and Finance



Deadline for submission of papers                                                   June 30, 2017

Notification of  acceptance/rejection                                                August 20, 2017



To submit your papers, please go to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iam2017

You must have an account with www.easychair.org, and the papers must be in pdf format.


Conference Chair

Len J. Treviño – SBA Communications Distinguished Professor in International Business, Florida Atlantic University, [log in to unmask].


Deputy Conference Chair

Martin LarrazaAssociate Professor, Universidad Pública de Navarra, [log in to unmask]

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