

Dear Colleagues,

The 28thAnnual Conference of the American Society for Competitiveness 
will be held on October 26-28, 2017 in Washington D.C. Area.  The theme 
of the conference is*Breaking Down Barriers to Competitiveness: A Path 
Forward. *The sub-themes include: Strategic Intent & Initiatives, Global 
Manufacturing and Competitiveness, Managing Intellectual Property, 
Sustainability, Geopolitics & Geostrategies, Economic Nationalism, 
Investment and Banking, Healthcare, Political instability/ chaos and 
International Trade, and Competing in Dynamic Global Industries.

*CEOs and policymakers often attend the Conference. Some industrial 
sessions and symposiums will be organized. *

*The Conference invites conceptual papers, empirical studies, case 
studies, proposals, and panel discussions pertaining to both traditional 
and contemporary themes related to competitiveness and organizational 
performance in the global marketplace.*The deadline for receiving 
submission is: *JUNE 30, 2017.*

  Please send your contribution to: [log in to unmask] 
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