

The EMBA Consortium for Global Business Innovation is a collaborative venture involving ten leading business schools from around the world whose main objectives are to provide a strong international experience to their Executive MBA students in a simple and cost-effective manner.  Launched in 2011, each of its member schools organizes a one-week intensive program consisting of classroom lectures and discussions, company visits and cultural activities, focused on business innovation within its geographic region and with a specific theme based on their expertise and competence.  EMBA participants at all schools choose which International Week module to attend based on their personal and professional interests.  Over 1,200 EMBA students have participated in the program since its founding.

Our current members are:
•    Brazil: Coppead Graduate Business School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
•    China: School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University
•    India: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
•    Italy: Bologna Business School, University of Bologna
•    Russia: MIRBIS Institute, Moscow
•    South Africa: University of Stellenbosch Business School, Cape Town
•    Turkey: Sabanci University School of Management, Istanbul
•    United Kingdom: Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University
•    United States: Chapman Graduate School of Business, Florida International University, Miami, and the Lucas Graduate School of Business, San José State University, California

For more information go to

The Position

The Executive Director is appointed by and reports to the governing board of the EMBA Consortium for Global Business Innovation, the “Council”, an organism constituted by representatives of all member schools, and to the Council’s elected Chair.  The Executive Director (ED) oversees the activities of the Consortium and is responsible for their overall success and for the well being and learning experience of the students that participate in its annual International Week.  He/she is also responsible for the adherence by the member schools to the rules established by all the partners to the Council, which are outlined in the By-Laws of the Consortium, and for the promotion of the Consortium to other universities, business schools and international organizations.

In carrying out this mandate, the ED needs to interact closely with the respective Program Directors and Program Managers at each of the member schools and exercise leadership over the conduct of the Consortium’s overall program.  Additionally, the ED shall provide the Council with an annual evaluation of all programs that constituted the International Week at all member schools, together with a plan for the implementation of corrective actions that may be required based on this feedback. 

The Executive Director manages the budget of the Consortium through The Executive MBA Corporation, Inc., a non-for-profit 501(c)-4 corporation registered in the State of Florida.  He or she is required to prepare an annual financial report as well as a budget for the coming year that are presented to the Council at its annual meeting and which is the basis for the determination of the Annual Fees charged each of the members for the coming year. 

Finally, the ED is primarily responsible, working closely with the Council, for seeking, proposing and recruiting additional schools to join the Consortium.  He or she is also responsible for proposing, evaluating, and developing additional programs that might be offered to the students and alumni of the Consortium program outside the annual International Week.

As the Consortium is a relatively young organization, it is likely that its modus operandi will evolve over time within its current decentralized structure.  Consequently, the ED’s job is bound to evolve as well and the incumbent will need considerable leadership skills and flexibility to accommodate to any new requirements of the organization.

Preferred Qualifications

Ideally, the successful candidate should meet most of these qualifications:
1.    Academic degree (PhD or DBA) and experience in a major business school with strong international programs.
2.    Experience with Executive MBA programs, either as a teacher or program director in such programs.
3.    Evidence of strong international orientation in his/her research, teaching, consulting and/or professional activities and associations.
4.    Cross-cultural sensitivity as evidenced by having worked and lived in multiple geographies.
5.    Language skills: a preference for bi-lingual ability to include English and in one of the program countries.
6.    Evidence of leadership abilities such as program administration, dean or associate dean positions, professional standing, etc.

Compensation and Timing

Currently, the Executive Director is defined as a part-time position requiring a total commitment of approximately 50-60 days spread out throughout the year.  Whether or not some of the more administrative tasks can be delegated to staff assistants will have a bearing on the total time commitment and, of course, the budget.  Current compensation is established at $40,000 annually for the Executive Director, and there is a budget of approximately $20,000 for costs associated with running the website and staff assistants.

Interested candidates are asked to submit the following documentation:
1.    A one-page biographical summary;
2.    A complete CV with all details on educational background and previous positions;
3.    A letter of interest and qualifications for the position; and
4.    Three professional references. 
These materials should be submitted to the Chair of the Council at [log in to unmask] no later than September 1st, 2017, but earlier if possible, to receive full consideration.  The position will remain open until filled. 

The Consortium’s Nomination Committee will ask selected candidates to participate in video-conference interviews during the month of September.  Finalists will be invited to attend the next Council meeting scheduled for October 26-27, 2017 in San José, California, USA.


José R. de la Torre
Executive Director
1581 Brickell Ave, Suite 503
Miami, FL 33129 USA

+1 305 490-1328
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