

Dear all,
Pardon the cross-postings.
International Business at The University of Queensland Business School is delighted to host the 2018 Australia New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA) meeting on its beautiful campus in Brisbane. There will be a full program with one day of Doctoral Colloquium presentations and two days of paper presentations, keynote speeches, panels and social networking opportunities.

The theme of the 2018 conference will be "Challenges to International Business Practice, Theory and Research in an Anti-globalisation Era" reflecting the unexpected recent political challenges to globalisation and international business generally.

We invite both regular ANZIBA scholars and new delegates to be part of this scholarly academy and submit your papers, panel proposals; and for doctoral candidates to take part in the doctoral colloquium.

Please see the attached pdf file for information on the conference and submission details. Or this link:

We look forward to your submissions.
Best regards,
Andre Pekerti
ANZIBA 2018 Program Chair
Andre Pekerti, PhD, Senior Lecturer I UQ Business School
Room 423, Building 37, Blair Drive | The University of Queensland l Brisbane QLD 4072 l AUSTRALIA
P: +617 3346 8132 | E: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | W: or W:<>
CRICOS Provider Number 00025B


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