

Dear colleagues (apologies for cross-posting),

Please see below for details of the most recent issue of HRMJ and details on current open calls for papers.

Human Resource Management Journal
Impact Factor: 1.845; Ranking: 2015: 6/26 in Industrial Relations & Labor; 71/192 in Management
5 Year Impact Factor: 2.926

Call for Papers

Call for Review and Provocation Papers

See more details here:

Submission Period: June 1 - July 1 2017

Special Issues - Call for Papers

Situating Human Resource Management Practices in their Political and Economic Context
Guest Editors: Prof. Steve Vincent, Prof. Greg J. Bamber, Prof. Rick Delbridge, Dr Virginia Doellgast, Dr Jo Grady, and Prof. Irena Grugulis
Submission Period: March 26 - April 30, 2018
See full details of the Call for Papers here<>
The Role of HR Attributions in the Relationship Between HRM and Outcomes
Guest Editors: Karin Sanders, David Guest, Ricardo Rodrigues
Submission Period: May 1 - May 31, 2018
See full details of the Call for Papers here<>

Latest Issue
The new issue of Human Resource Management Journal is a Special Issue: HRM and Innovation (April 2017, Volume 27, Issue 2) and is now available online:
Please see a list of the Issue’s articles, accompanying abstracts and article information below:
Original Articles
Editorial overview: HRM and innovation — a multi-level perspective<>
Helen Shipton, Pawan Budhwar, Paul Sparrow, Alan Brown

When the fit between HR practices backfires: Exploring the interaction effects between rewards for and appraisal of knowledge behaviours on innovation
Tatiana Andreeva, Mika Vanhala, Anastasia Sergeeva, Paavo Ritala, Aino Kianto
Abstract: This paper explores the idea that well-aligned HR practices may produce varied and even negative effects on innovation performance. To do so, we examine the interaction effect between rewards for and appraisal of knowledge behaviours on radical and incremental innovation outcomes. Drawing on the insights from the strategic HRM literature on the internal fit between HR practices, as well as the developments of the knowledge governance approach, we argue that rewards and appraisal applied together produce a setting that is conducive for deepening existing knowledge bases, but hindering for more distant and diverse knowledge search. Empirical test of these hypotheses using the data from 259 Finnish companies lends partial support for this argument. Intensive usage of appraisal of knowledge behaviours reduces the positive impact that rewards for such behaviours have on radical innovation. At the same time, rewards and appraisal do not intensify each other's effect on incremental innovation.

Human resource management innovation in health care: the institutionalisation of new support roles
Ian Kessler, Paul Heron, Karen Spilsbury
Abstract: This article draws upon the notion of an ‘HRM innovation’ to explore the development of two new work roles in different health-care settings. Arguing that the establishment of a new work role represents a distinctive form of HRM innovation, the article elaborates on and refines an influential theoretical model on how and why such roles become institutionalised. Principally, based on interview data from key actors actively engaged with the new roles, the article elaborates by focusing on underdeveloped features of this theoretical model, identifying a range of micro-processes underpinning the emergence and acceptance of the new work roles. In refining, the article highlights the fragility of new work roles, the contribution of key actors to their development and the interaction between workplace, organisation and system-level processes in their emergence and acceptance.

HRM and innovation: looking across levels
Helen Shipton, Pawan Budhwar, Paul Sparrow, Alan Brown
Abstract: Studies are starting to explore the role of human resource management (HRM) in fostering organisational innovation, but empirical evidence remains contradictory and theory fragmented. This is partly because extant literature by and large adopts a unitary level of analysis, rather than reflecting on the multi-level demands that innovation presents. Building on an emergent literature focused on HRM's role in shaping innovation, we shed light on the question of whether, and how, HRM might influence employees' innovative behaviours in the direction of strategically important goals. Drawing upon institutional theory, our contributions are threefold: to bring out the effect of two discrete HRM configurations – one underpinned by a control and the other by an entrepreneurial ethos, on attitudes and behaviours at the individual level; to reflect the way in which employee innovative behaviours arising from these HRM configurations coalesce to shape higher-level phenomena, such as organisational-level innovation; and to bring out two distinct patterns of bottom-up emergence, one driven primarily by composition and the other by both composition and compilation.
The role of HRM in facilitating team ambidexterity
Frances Jørgensen, Karen Becker
Abstract: Although the role of HRM in supporting ambidexterity has been loosely conceptualised, little is known about how HRM contributes to exploitative and explorative activities in practice. Further, whereas research has linked HRM to innovation broadly at individual and organisational levels, there has been minimal focus on how HRM supports innovation in teams. Using qualitative case studies in two software development firms, we examine how different approaches to HRM support different types of ambidexterity in teams. The findings demonstrate that there is no one best way for HRM to facilitate team ambidexterity, but it is critical to align the HRM practices with the team context. Additionally, our findings suggest that while an integrated HRM system that exploits synergies between HRM practices can encourage ambidexterity for some organisations, an approach aimed at emphasising the independent effects of a few key HRM practices may be an effective alternative for others.

The role of multilevel synergistic interplay among team mastery climate, knowledge hiding, and job characteristics in stimulating innovative work behavior
Matej Černe, Tomislav Hernaus, Anders Dysvik, Miha Škerlavaj
Abstract: This study investigates the multilevel interplay among team-level, job-related, and individual characteristics in stimulating employees' innovative work behavior (IWB) based on the theoretical frameworks of achievement goal theory (AGT) and job characteristics theory (JCT). A multilevel two-source study of 240 employees and their 34 direct supervisors in two medium-sized Slovenian companies revealed significant two- and three-way interactions, where a mastery climate, task interdependence, and decision autonomy moderated the relationship between knowledge hiding and IWB. When employees hide knowledge, a team mastery climate only facilitates high levels of IWB if accompanied by either high task interdependence or high decision autonomy. In the absence of one of these job characteristics, knowledge hiding prevents higher levels of IWB even in the case of strong team mastery climate. The results suggest that multiple job design antecedents are necessary to neutralize the negative influence of knowledge hiding on micro-innovation processes within organizations.

HRM and innovation: a multi-level organisational learning perspective
Cai-Hui (Veronica) Lin, Karin Sanders
Abstract: Drawing on the 4I organisational learning framework, this article develops a model to explain the multi-level and cross-level relationships between HRM practices and innovation. Individual-, team- and organisational-level learning stocks are theorised to explain how HRM practices affect innovation at a given level. Feed-forward and feedback learning flows explain how cross-level effects of HRM practices on innovation take place. In addition, we propose that HRM practices fostering individual-, team- and organisational-level learning should form a coherent system to facilitate the emergence of innovation. The article is concluded with discussions on its contributions and potential future research directions.
Kind regards,

Professor of Management
Editor-in-Chief, Human Resource Management Journal<>

University College Cork, Ireland
T +353 (0)21 490 3735
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