

Copenhagen Business School is pleased to announce that the 34th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association’s (EAMSA) annual conference will take place at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 15th -18th of November 2017. EAMSA organizes researchers and practitioners working with managerial, strategic, cultural and organizational aspects of European-Asian business collaboration.


The conference homepage can be found at


This year’s conference will focus on the impact of recent globalization countering developments on European-Asian business relations. The background for taking up this theme is that the continuing and deepening integration of European and Asian business witnessed over the past 20-30 years no longer can be taken for granted. Economic developments (e.g. the financial crises and sluggish economic performance in parts of Europe and Asia), political developments (e.g. Brexit, growing protectionism, and stalled trade negotiations) and technological developments (e.g. communication technology and robotics) seem to be challenging the globalization momentum of previous decades. Researchers need to understand how these developments may impact European and Asian companies’ propensity to invest, collaborate and compete across the two regions. Hence, researchers in the areas of international business, organization studies, area studies and management science are encouraged to submit theoretical, conceptual and empirical papers that draw on qualitative, quantitative, mixed and case study approaches to explore, evaluate, critique and debate issues arising from the conference theme.


In addition to sessions focusing on the conference theme, there will be special sessions on:

·         Looking beyond strategic asset seeking of Asian MNCs

·         China’s ‘new normal’

·         The orchestration and organization of the global value chains of MNCs

·         The role of special economic zones in Asian development

·         European Asian Management - work life balance


Paper submission: 1st of August 2017

Paper acceptance notification: 15th of September 2017


For more information, please go to the conference home page at or write to the conference organizers at [log in to unmask].

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