Hi All,

With the intention of helping thousands of hard working researchers, we have compiled the data on the speed/processing time of maximum possible journals in the International business, marketing and management.

The info include avge/maximum time for desk rejection,  time given to reviewers, actual avge elapsed time, percent of desk rejection in 2016 etc. 

Purpose: To help authors to decide which journals to submit their work based on the speed of the journal as well as the statistics that they would like to know.

Method Followed: An email was sent to the editors/editorial offices of more than 50 journals in the Management, International Business and marketing subjects. Most of the editors provided the data.  In few cases, statistics was compiled based on the info from Area editors/reviewers.

1. Link to Download the File from Research Gate


2. Link to download the file from Academia.edu 

Thanks and Regards,

Professor of International Business & Marketing, Graduate school of Business,
University of PR, San Juan, PR, USA
Guest Editor-  Small Business Economics (SBE) &
                     - The International Trade Journal (ITJ)
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