Announcement: Special Issue on MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY,
Production and Operations Management, April 2017, Volume 26, Number 4
The special issue of Production and Operations Management (POM) recognizes and encourages future research in Management of Technology (MOT) at the intersection of operations management, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, and strategy.
Six invited papers and five contributed papers appear that advance the multidisciplinary perspective of MOT on topics including the management of knowledge intensive firms, the value chain as a driver of innovation, and agency issues for digital goods. The
links to each paper follows.
Invited Papers
* "Organizational Learning and Management of Technology," Linda Argote and Manpreet Hora,
* "Emergent Themes in the Interface between Economics of Information Systems and Management of Technology," Sulin Ba and Barrie Nault,
* "Towards Building Multidisciplinary Knowledge on Management of Technology: An Introduction to the Special Issue," Cheryl Gaimon, Manpreet Hora and Karthik Ramachandran,
* "Research on Idea Generation and Selection Implications for Management of Technology," Laura Kornish and Jeremy Hutchison-Krupat,
* "Using Value Chains to Enhance Innovation," Hau Lee and Glen Schmidt,
* "Creativity and Risk Taking Aren't Rational: Behavioral Operations in MOT," Christoph Loch,
* "Creativity and the Management of Technology Balancing Creativity and Standardization." Christina Shalley and Lucy Gilson,
Contributed Papers
* "Product Upgrades with Stochastic Technology Advancement, Product Failure, and Brand Commitment," Samuel N. Kirshner. Yuri Levin and Mikhail Nediak,
* "Organization of Public Safety Networks Spillovers, Interoperability, and Participation," Yipeng Liu, Hong Guo and Barrie Nault,
* "Collaborative Work Dynamics in Projects with Co-Production," Morvarid Rahmani, Guilluame Roels and Uday Karmarkar,
* "Task Interdependence Impacts on Reciprocity in IT Implementation Teams," Tobias Schoenherr, Elliot Bendoly, Daniel G. Bachrach and Anthony C. Hood,
* "Strategic Analysis of the Agency Model for Digital Goods," Yinliang Tan and Janice E. Carrillo,
**** End of Announcement ****
Manpreet S. Hora, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Operations Management
Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology
800 West Peachtree Street, NW Atlanta, GA, USA, 30308-1149404
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