

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to share with you Table of Contents for MOR Volume 13, Issue 1, which is also available for free download through April 30, 2017.

This issue features:

·         A guest editorial by Deputy Editor Johan Peter Murmann on cultivating blockbuster papers for MOR

·         Revised MOR Editorial Statement<>

·         Letter to the Editor by Gordon Redding regarding new reviewing policies

·         A vigorous exchange on the history and debate over intellectual property discussed in the paper by Mike W. Peng, David Ahlstrom, Shawn M. Carraher, and Weilei (Stone) Shi, followed by two commentaries by Can Huang and Martin Kenney.

I would also like to remind you about three open calls for papers:

·         ‘Coopetition and Innovation in Transforming Economies’<> with guest editors Jay B. Barney, Giovanni Battista Dagnino, Valentina Della Corte, and Eric W. K. Tsang

       Submissions due April 30, 2017

·         ‘The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in India<>’ with guest editors Suresh Bhagavatula, Ram Mudambi, and Johann Peter Murmann

       Submissions due July 17, 2017

·         ‘Doing Qualitative Research in Emerging Markets’<> with guest editors Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki, Tian Wei, Carol Hsu, Catherine Cassell, and Shameen Prashantham

       Submissions due September 30, 2017

I very much trust that you will find reading this issue interesting, and will share the articles with your colleagues doing research in similar areas!

With best wishes always,

 [cid:1cfea340-e07e-4d53-9fd6-d6771bb9c626] [cid:16ac2296-1b38-4523-b0c5-49ee913a15ac]

Arie Y. Lewin


Management and Organization Review

Management and Organization Review 13.1

Arie Y. Lewin

Letter from Editor<>


Johann Peter Murmann

More Exploration and Less Exploitation: Cultivating Blockbuster Papers for MOR<>

Perspective Paper

Mike W. Peng, David Ahlstrom, Shawn M. Carraher, and Weilei (Stone) Shi

History and the Debate Over Intellectual Property<>

Commentaries on Peng, Ahlstrom, Carraher, and Shi

Can Huang

Recent Development of the Intellectual Property Rights System in China and Challenges Ahead<>

Martin Kenney

Comment and Reflection upon ‘History and the Debate Over Intellectual Property’<>

Regular Articles

Jian Liang and Yaping Gong

Human Resource Development Investment in Chinese Private Firms: Strategic Choice and Institutional Perspectives<>

Xufei Ma, Pengji Wang, and Donghong Li

What Determines the Establishment of Chinese Multinational Enterprises’ Asian Regional Headquarters?<>

Francis Sun and Shih-Fen S. Chen

The Role of Business Entertainment in Economic Exchanges: A Governance Perspective and Propositions<>

Yan Zhang and Yun-Hui Xie

Authoritarian Leadership and Extra-Role Behaviors: A Role-Perception Perspective<>

Christopher Marquis, Juelin Yin, and Dongning Yang

State-Mediated Globalization Processes and the Adoption of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China<>

Dialogue, Discourse, and Debate

Arno Kourula and Jukka Mäkinen with Introduction by Liisa Välikangas

Bringing Political Context Back into International Business Studies of Human Rights<>

Letter to the Editor<>

Gordon Redding

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