

Hello Everybody,

Well, it is time to change your clocks again.
This time we go TO Daylight Savings Time - which some of you 
call "Summer Time".   
It all officially happens ver early Sunday morning at 02:00 am.
Your clocks magically move from 02:00 am to 03:00 am but you
have to move most clocks by hand.  (I have three that m ove automatically
by themselves H'ray).

The things to do is to change your clocks before you go to bed 
on Saturday night.  Example:  If you go to bed at 10:30 pm, move
your clocks to 11:30 pm and then go to sleep and have happy dreams.  

Yup, you lose one hour of sleep Saturday night.  Sorry.  Just think
of all those extra hour nice warm evenings you will have to walk
along the river with your SO (Significant Other).
Don't forget to change your clocks.  You don't want to be late 
for church on Sunday morning.   
Have a nice short weekend,


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