



Center for Emerging Markets at Northeastern University and Center for International Business Education and Research at University of Miami

2017 Global Strategy and Emerging Markets Conference

Boston, MA, USA, June 15-16, 2017


Call for Abstracts


The Center for Emerging Markets (CEM) at Northeastern University and the University of Miami CIBER (Center for International Business Education and Research) are pleased to announce the 2017 Global Strategy and Emerging Markets (GSEM) conference in Boston, MA, USA on June 15-16, 2017. This conference will provide a platform to bring together senior and junior scholars, doctoral students, and practitioners in the fields of international business, strategic management, cross-cultural management, technology strategy, and global entrepreneurship from around the world. This platform aims not only to foster discussion of frontier issues associated with emerging market-related global strategies, but also to create co-learning opportunities between scholars from the U.S. and from emerging economies.


This year’s conference theme is the influence of the home country on emerging market multinationals’ (EMNCs) internationalization and behavior. The rise of EMNCs serves as a valuable natural experiment for probing the impact of a firm’s home country on its international strategy and behavior. The distinguishing characteristic of these firms is how the relative underdevelopment of their home country affects the creation of their competitive strategies. Hence, in this conference, we are looking for novel studies that expand theories and models of the multinational by explaining how the home country affects the internationalization and global strategy of firms. Studies of EMNCs are a natural laboratory for extending existing models of the multinational because these models have been built implicitly on the experience of advanced economy multinationals (AMNCs). Hence, studies that focus on EMNCs can provide new insights because their variation in home country characteristics and lower levels of economic, social, and political development facilitate the identification of mechanisms and comparison of differences with current models. Moreover, the home country tends to be more important to EMNCs than to incumbent AMNCs, providing another basis for understanding how the home country affects internationalization. Comparative studies of firms from multiple home countries are particularly welcome if they tease out the role of the home country on internationalization. Single-country studies that pay particular attention to the mechanisms by which the home country affects an EMNC’s internationalization are also welcome. We welcome papers using diverse methodologies, including theoretical essays, large-sample analyses, small sample qualitative studies, and single case studies as long as they provide a clear and detailed explanation of theoretical mechanisms and a strong theoretical contribution and/or a robust empirical identification of relationships. We are also open to studies that analyze organizations other than MNCs, such as non-for-profit organizations, networks of small companies, business groups, et cetera as long as the studies aim to understand how some characteristics of emerging markets influence their behavior.


We invite abstracts/proposals (5 single-spaced pages), especially from junior scholars. Only original, unpublished work is sought. The manuscripts should stretch our understanding of some new perspectives across multiple domains—international business, strategic management, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, cross-cultural management, business ethics and corporate social responsibility, innovation, human resources, etc.—and at multiple levels of analysis, such as country, industry, organization, group and individual.


Please submit your abstract/proposal at


Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline:                                       Monday, April 24, 2017
Author notification of accepted presentations:               Monday, May 7, 2017
Conference registration deadline for speakers:                Monday, May 29, 2017




PhD students:


We look forward to seeing you in Boston!


Conference Co-Chairs:         Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra (Northeastern University)

Yadong Luo (University of Miami)

John M. Mezias (University of Miami)

Ravi Ramamurti (Northeastern University)

CIBER Chair:                         Joseph Ganitsky (University of Miami)


Professor of International Business and Strategy and Lloyd J. Mullin Research Fellow

Co-Editor, Global Strategy Journal

Immediate Past Chair, International Management Division, Academy of Management


Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business
313 Hayden Hall, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Phone 1.617.373.6568,   Fax 1.617.373.8628
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Recent articles: 

Overcoming human capital voids in underdeveloped countries, Global Strategy Journal (2017)

Multilatinas as a source of new theoretical insights: The learning and escape drivers of international expansion, Journal of Business Research (2016)

Learning by doing in emerging market multinationals, Journal of World Business (2016)


Recent books: 

State-Owned Multinationals: Governments in Global Business. Palgrave (2017)

Emerging Market Multinationals: Managing Operational Challenges for Sustained International Growth. Cambridge University Press (2016)




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