Call for nominations for the IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award 2017


International Management Division of the Academy of Management

Call for nominations for the IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award 2017


The IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award recognizes the contribution to international management scholarship by a junior scholar. The winner is nominated by the IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. The winner is honored at the business meeting of the IM division, with a plaque and cash prize of $1500.


Eligibility Criteria

•     Candidates must be nominated by others; no self-nominations are considered.

•     Nominees must have an interest in, and contributed to, international management scholarship.

•     Nominees must have completed their Ph.D. within the previous 8 years at the time of nomination.

•     Nominees must be members of the IM Division.


Selection Criteria

Candidates are evaluated based on the following criteria:


Nomination and Evaluation Process

•     Nomination letter(s) should be e-mailed to the Professional Achievement Awards Committee Chair, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra ([log in to unmask]) with a subject heading of “IM Division FIU Emerging Scholar Award” by May 1, 2017.

•     Nomination letter(s) (3 pages maximum) should provide a rationale of how the nominee meets the eligibility and selection criteria above. The nominee’s curriculum vitae should be appended to the letter.

•     The IM Division Professional Achievement Awards committee will review all nominations and may select a winner.  In keeping with the highest standards, a winner may not be selected every year.

•     The award will be announced and presented to the winner at the IM Division business meeting at the AOM 2017 Annual Meeting. The winner’s attendance at the annual meeting is required.



I look forward to receiving your nominations

Best wishes, 


P.S. Apologies for the multiple postings 


Professor of International Business and Strategy and Lloyd J. Mullin Research Fellow

Co-Editor, Global Strategy Journal

Immediate Past Chair, International Management Division, Academy of Management


Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business
313 Hayden Hall, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Phone 1.617.373.6568,   Fax 1.617.373.8628
[log in to unmask],


Recent articles: 

Overcoming human capital voids in underdeveloped countries, Global Strategy Journal (2017)

Multilatinas as a source of new theoretical insights: The learning and escape drivers of international expansion, Journal of Business Research (2016)

Learning by doing in emerging market multinationals, Journal of World Business (2016)


Recent books: 

State-Owned Multinationals: Governments in Global Business. Palgrave (2017)

Emerging Market Multinationals: Managing Operational Challenges for Sustained International Growth. Cambridge University Press (2016)




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