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Multinational Business Review and AIB-LAT - Virtual Special Issue available free until 9 April 2017

Multinational Business Review<> publishes high quality and innovative peer-review research on the strategy, organization and performance of multinational enterprise (MNE), international business history, geography of international business, and the impact of international business on economic growth and development.

In order to get a flavour for the content published in Multinational Business Review - Emerald is delighted to announce that a virtual special issue is available to access free, from today for one month until 9 April 2017.

Virtual Special Issue

A manifesto for the widening of internalisation theory, being a reply to Hillemann and Verbeke<>

Emergence of cultural intelligence and global mindset capital: a multilevel model<>

Normative and systems integration in human resource management in Japanese multinational companies<>

The impact of "distance" on multinational enterprise subsidiary capabilities: A value chain perspective<>

Drivers of SMEs' exporting activity: a review and a research agenda<>

How weaknesses in home country location advantages can constrain EMNE growth: The example of India<>

Developing effective local content regulations in sub-Sahara Africa: The need for more effective policy alignment<>

Regulatory institutions and Chinese outward FDI: an empirical review<>

Do US pharmaceutical companies strategically shift income to international affiliates?<>

Re-examining regional borders and the multinational enterprise<>

If you encounter any problems accessing this content please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
To submit a paper, visit the online submission site at

Best wishes

Gareth Bell

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Gareth Bell
Publisher | Emerald Publishing
T: +44 (0) 1274 777700 F: +44 (0) 1274 785244
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