Important dates
Deadline for Submission: May 15, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2017
Early Registration Deadline: June 30, 2017
Conference dates: August 24-25, 2017
Keynote Speaker
Professor Anjan V. Thakor, John E. Simon Professor of Finance, Olin Business School, Washington University in St Louis.
Aim and Topics
Financial system diversity may reflect diversity in markets (e.g. equity, bond, derivatives, money markets and others), or institutions (e.g. banks, insurance companies, non-bank financial institutions), or institutional forms (e.g. shareholders versus stakeholders
value institutions). Such diversity may imply diversity in business models, different incentives, or different stages of development and the emergence of new forms of finance. Diversity can enhance the resilience of financial systems during shocks and periods
of high uncertainty. However, diversity can also potentially lead to systemic instability. Diversity certainly leads to regulatory challenges and potential regulatory arbitrage. Further, the increasing interconnectedness within modern financial systems could
result in the failure of one small part of a diverse financial system to disrupt the functioning of other more important parts of the system. There is no clear-cut evidence about the merits and risks of fostering diversity in financial systems. The topic of
diversity seems also missing in the current debate on financial reforms to improve financial sector performance and resilience to possible shocks at the national, regional and global levels.
IWFSAS 2017 aims at providing an opportunity for established and emerging researchers and policy makers to discuss the merits and risks of diversity in the financial system architecture, particularly in terms of the links between diversity and systemic risk,
impact on financial stability and un-stability, the role of diversity in financing the economy and stimulating growth, and the inter-linkages with monetary policy, financial regulation and supervision.
We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions on this topic and other related topics of interest in finance and economics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Financial system diversity, competition and macro-financial stability;
Theories and measures of diversity in the financial systems;
Systemic risk and contagion in diverse financial systems;
Ownership structures and business models in financial institutions;
Regulation, supervision and resolution for various institutional forms and markets;
Monetary policy transmission and financial structure;
New emerging forms of finance and financial stability;
Financial inclusion, inequality and stability in emerging markets
Fintech, access to financial services, and financial stability;
Informal finance, venture capital, and non-bank financial institutions;
Mutual funds, pension funds, insurance companies and financial stability;
Sustainable finance, impact investing and socially responsible investment funds.
Journal Publications Opportunities
The conference organizers, in collaboration with the Editor of the Journal of Financial Stability (JFS) will invite authors of selected papers presented at the 2017 IWFSAS to submit their manuscripts to JFS by September
30, 2017. These selected papers will undergo a fast-track review process.
We look forward to seeing
you in August!
Program Co-chairs
Rym Ayadi
International Research Centre on
Cooperative Finance (IRCCF) of
HEC Montreal
Basma Majerbi
Gustavson School of Business
& CSSI, University of Victoria
Paul Schure
Department of Economics University
of Victoria
Scientific Committee
Toni Ahnert, Financial Stability Department, Bank of Canada
Christina Atanasova, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University
James Barth, Auburn University & Milken Institute
Sami Ben Naceur, International Monetary Fund
Jose Berrospide, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Arnoud Boot, University of Amsterdam
Narjess Boubakri, American University of Sharjah
Barbara Casu, Cass Business School, City University London
Susan Christoffersen, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Martin Cihak, International Monetary Fund
Meryem Duygun, Nottingham University
Vihang Errunza, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University
Giovanni Ferri, LUMSA University, Rome
Franco Fiordelisi, University of Rome III
Ron Giammarino, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
Claudia Girardone, Essex Business School, University of Essex
Iftekhar Hasan, Fordham University Panu Kalmi, University of Vaasa
Michael King, Ivey Business School, Western University
Donato Masciandaro, Bocconi University
Nadia Massoud, Melbourne Business School, the University of Melbourne
Donal McKillop, Queen’s University, Belfast
Vikas Mehrotra, University of Alberta
Camelia Minoiu, International Monetary Fund
Usha Mittoo, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
Philip Molyneux, Bangor University
Edwin Neave, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Barry Quinn, Queen’s University, Belfast
Jean Roy, HEC Montreal School of Business
Reinhard Schmidt, Goethe University, Frankfurt
Stuart Snaith, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria
Benoit Tremblay, HEC Montreal School of Business
Thierry Warin, HEC Montreal School of Business
Clas Wihlborg, Chapman University
James Wilcox, University of California at Berkeley
Jonathan Williams, Bangor Business School, Bangor University
John Wilson, University of St-Andrews