*Hope you'll join us for this fun event! Thanks for sharing!* *CSA Fair <https://www.facebook.com/events/419574058384347/>* *Sunday, February 26, 12-4pm, Allen Market Place (1629 E. Kalamazoo St. Lansing, MI 48912)* Meet your farmer & sign up for your farm share! Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular way to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. The CSA Fair gives individuals and families the opportunity to meet with over 12 local farmers and sign up for a CSA membership, providing access to weekly box of locally grown in-season produce and other fresh farm favorites. In addition to meeting with farmers at this free family-friendly event, attendees can also enjoy live music and tasty treats from concession vendors. *Farmers include:* ANC Veggie Box, Capital Village Trade Cooperative, CBI's Giving Tree Farm, Hillcrest Farm, Hunter Park GardenHouse, Lansing Roots, Monroe Family Organics, MSU Student Organic Farm, Owosso Organics, Thornapple CSA, Titus Farms, Urbandale Farm, and Zumo Eco Farm *Concession Vendors include:* Glory Bee Sweet Treats, Red's Smokehouse, and Rust Belt Roastery, This event is hosted by Allen Neighborhood Center <http://allenneighborhoodcenter.org/>. For more info, contact Rita: 517-999-3910, [log in to unmask] Facebook event: *bit.ly/CSAFair2017* <http://bit.ly/CSAFair2017> -- Rita O'Brien *Allen Market Place Associate Director* *& Hunter Park GardenHouse Director* Allen Neighborhood Center 1611 E. Kalamazoo St Lansing, MI 48912 (517) 999-3910 www.allenneighborhoodcenter.org Check out our 2017 line-up of GardenHouse workshops <http://allenneighborhoodcenter.org/gardenhouse/workshops/>! ANC's 2017 Catalog! <http://allenneighborhoodcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/ANC-Catalog-2017-PRINTER.pdf> Follow us on Facebook: Allen Market Place <http://www.facebook.com/AllenMarketPlace> & Hunter Park GardenHouse <http://www.facebook.com/HunterParkGardenHouse> If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html