Call for Papers
4th WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop:
Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research
Vienna, August 27th – 28th 2017
Submission Deadline: June 1st 2017
(for further submission information see CFP attached)
Every year, the WU Vienna invites researchers to its new campus to join their efforts and creativity in developing papers at the intersection of International Business and Finance. The workshop is designed to connect young scholars to like‐minded peers and to offer hands‐on guidance from senior faculty. In the coming year, our faculty panel includes Prof. Igor Filatotchev (Cass Business School and WU Vienna), Prof. Annette Poulsen (University of Georgia) and Prof. Marc Goergen (Cardiff University). Further senior faculty will be announced.
Aim and Background of the Workshop:
IB researchers increasingly call for further integration of Finance and IB (Agmon, 2006; Bowe, Filatotchev & Marshall, 2010). The goal of the 4th WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop is to create an interactive forum for IB/Finance researchers and to offer informed guidance from senior faculty. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
·         Governance and international finance (i.e. risk behaviour, agency cost),
·         Institutional context and international finance (i.e. liability of foreignness in capital markets, local financial context, legitimacy, isomorphism),
·         International capital structure and internal capital markets (i.e. diversification, international transfer pricing, arbitrage, taxation),
·         Ownership effects on internationalization (i.e. family ownership, institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds)
·         Financial risk management in internationalization (i.e. hedging, trade finance, risk reporting),
·         International strategic finance (listing location, location specific financial advantages, project finance, syndication),
·         Firm level issues in financing internationalization (SMEs, MNEs, EMNEs, born globals, export finance and FDI finance, joint ventures),
·         Integrating IB and finance theories (TCE, RBV, OLI, real options, agency and institutional theory).
Contacts and Further Information:
Dr. Jakob Müllner
Institute for Export Management,
Department of Global Business and Trade,
Welthandelsplatz 1 / D1. 5. OG, A‐1020 Wien
Tel.: +43‐1‐313 36‐4374 / Fax: +43‐1‐313 36‐90‐4374
E‐ Mail : [log in to unmask]

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