Please consider nominating candidates, including self-nominating, for the following awards. The nominators do have to be members of the Academy of Management, but the nominees do not. Thanks.
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Call for Nominations
The Practice Theme Committee (PTC) of the Academy of Management seeks to encourage societal impact and engagement of external stakeholders through outstanding scholarship. In this vein, we welcome nominations, including self-nominations, for two awards.
For further questions on the awards, please contact the PTC’s co-Chair, Usha Haley at [log in to unmask]
The PTC Practice Impact Award seeks to recognize and to celebrate an outstanding scholar for her or his contribution to research and theory that has had overall impact on managers, organizations, governments, and/or society as a whole. The nominee should have a track record of quality publications in academic journals, books, and recognized practitioner-relevant journals (e.g. Harvard Business Review, California Management Review, etc.) as well as other outlets. To nominate an academic whom you believe has had such major external impact through research, please send an email containing a cover letter listing the reasons for your nomination, some evidence of this impact, and the nominee’s CV to the PTC co-Chair, Usha Haley [log in to unmask].
Past winners of the PTC Practice Impact Award include: Herman Aguinis (George Washington University) | Stewart R. Clegg (University of Technology Sydney) |Martha S. Feldman (University of California Irvine) | Usha C. V. Haley (West Virginia University) | Paula Jarzabkowski (City University London) | Jone L. Pearce (University of California Irvine) | Karlene H. Roberts (University of California Berkeley) | Denise M. Rousseau (Carnegie Mellon University)
Who is eligible to nominate? Any member of the Academy of Management may nominate candidates. Self-nominations are welcome.
Who can be nominated? Any scholar with a proven track record of external impact through advancing theory, research and practice. The scholar does not have to be a member of the Academy of Management
How long is the period for nominations? The nomination period opens February 1, 2017 and closes March 31, 2017. Award recipients will be contacted via email within three weeks of the closing date.
How to submit a nomination? Please send your nomination including a cover letter and the nominee’s CV to the Chair of the PTC Awards Committee, Usha Haley at [log in to unmask], with a cc to [log in to unmask]. Please use the following subject line: PIA 2017 [Name of nominee], e.g. PIA 2017 Jane B. Anacademic.
Who will judge the nomination? A committee of past award winners, senior researchers and practitioners.
Questions? Please contact the PTC co-Chair, Usha Haley at [log in to unmask]
The PTC Research Center Impact Award aims to recognize the contribution that research centers make to the practice of management in the public, private, and/or governmental sectors. The Award promotes the AOM’s strategic intent of professional impact through recognizing and celebrating an outstanding research project or research program, conducted either independently or in collaboration with industry, that has had major, demonstrable impact on management practice or government policy. Research centers must specifically demonstrate how knowledge gained through the centers’ research and programs have impacted managers, organizations, governments, and/or society as a whole.
Previous winners of the PTC Research Center Impact Award include: Cornell University Center for Advanced HR Studies | Lancaster University Management School Wave 2 Growth Hub Programme | Center for Effective Organizations, University of Southern California | Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship, University of Michigan | David Berg Center for Ethics and Leadership, University of Pittsburgh.
Who is eligible to nominate? Any member of the Academy of Management may nominate a research center or think tank. Self-nominations are welcome.
Who can be nominated? Any research center associated with a university or major think tank with a proven track record of external impact through advancing theory, research and practice.
How long is the period for nominations? The nomination period opens February 1, 2017 and closes March 31, 2017. Award recipients will be contacted via email within three weeks of the closing date.
How to submit a nomination? – Please forward this call for nominations to the research center’s director (or equivalent) that you wish to nominate, and cc the Chair of the Awards Committee, Usha Haley [log in to unmask] and [log in to unmask] for a nomination form and further details. The nomination form requires information from research centers’ directors on
(1) the project/program of work to which the nomination refers;
(2) a list of organizations/groups that have collaborated or contributed to the project/program of work to which the nomination refers; and,
(3) a statement detailing why this center is a worthy recipient of the award. In addition, any other information that will assist in evaluating the project/program can be included as well (e.g., beneficiaries’ supporting letters).
Who will judge the nomination? A committee of AOM leaders, senior researchers and practitioners.
Questions? Please contact the PTC co-Chair, Usha Haley at [log in to unmask]
Usha C. V. Haley, PhD
Professor of Management/co-Chair, Practice Theme Committee, Academy of Management
West Virginia University, College of Business & Economics, PO Box 6025, 1601 University Ave., Morgantown, WV 26506-6025
E-mail: [log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask] Office: 1-304-293-7948
Latest Articles: Human Relations, 2016 - Antenarratives of Organizational Change; Journal of International Business Studies, 2014 - Storytelling Internationalization
Latest Dialogue/Debate: Management & Organization Review, 2016 - Globalization
Latest Book: Subsidies to Chinese Industry - Reviews in Economist, S+B , ITIF Reading List, BusinessWeek, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, & methodology covered in Economist. Write-up by JP Morgan (Appendix 1)