

Dear Colleagues,


Call for Papers for a fast track JEECAR issue has been extended.  


Volume Editor: Dr. Charlotte Davis, Concord University, Athens, WV
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See Details on the journal website:   


JEECAR_cover_V4 N1-Green_400.jpgJournal of Eastern European and Central
Asian Research (JEECAR)


Invitation to submit articles for the upcoming Spring 2017 Volume


Extended Submission: March 18, 2017


The JEECAR is a multi-disciplinary, scholarly, high quality, peer-reviewed
journal, with topics concerning: 

.         Economics

.         Finance

.         Management

.         Marketing

.         International business


The main focus is in the Eastern European and Central Asian business and
national political economies. Journal is registered by the Library of
Congress, listed in CABELL, EBSCO, Google Scholar, UlrichsWeb, Economics
Bibliography, and in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) databases,
indexed with OAI WorldCat Digital Collection, each article has assigned an
individual CrossReff DOI address, and indexed for an Impact Factor.


The Editorial Board of Advisors consists of distinguished experts among
academics and practitioners who specialize in business topics within the
Easter European and Central Asian regions. The latest journal issue with
articles can be obtained online at:


The primary focus of the Journal is to provide an intellectual forum in
theory, as well as practice, and to explore issues relevant to Eurasian
region. Submissions may include theoretical issues, new business model
ideas, methodological issues, empirical studies, or case studies in the
field of enterprise management or new developments of multinational
corporations in the specific global economies. Complete information about
the submission guidelines is available at the JEECAR website: 


The JEECAR journal is published by the Institute of Eastern Europe and
Central Asia with the support and cooperation of Webster University in St.
Louis, MO.



Dr. Nikolay Megits


ISSN 2328-8272 (print)

ISSN 2328-8280 (online) 

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