




Friday , January 27th 2017

SATE Speaker : Mason Porter, UCLA

Room 1400BPS Bldg. 11:30a.m.

Title: Collective Behavior in Online Social Networks, Politicians, and Cows




Complex systems of interacting entities exhibit "emergent" dynamics in the form of collective behavior. Such behavior, which can take many forms (e.g., flocking, hearding, and opinion consensus), occurs in many real and model systems, even though they are not encoded in the microscopic rules of those systems. In this talk, I'll give an introduction to collective behavior, in both model-driven and data-driven studies, with a discussion of three examples: installing applications in online social networks, voting on bills by U.S. legislators, and synchronization of cows.



Michigan State University

Dept. Physics and Astronomy

Shawna Prater-CHRS

Secretary for Astrophysics/CMP Theory

POC for Physics SATE seminars/COLLOQUIUM

3261BPS, 567 Wilson Road

East Lansing, MI 48824-6405

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fax 517.432.8802

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