

Call for papers


Research Network Q “Asian Capitalisms”


SASE 2017 Annual Conference, University of Lyon, June 29-July 1, 2017



The Call for Papers for  Research Network Q “Asian Capitalisms”, included in the SASE 2017 Annual Conference to be held in Lyon (France), next June 29-July 1, has opened.


SASE is an international, interdisciplinary organization with members in over 50 countries on five continents. The academic disciplines represented in SASE include economics, sociology, political science, organization studies, management, accounting, psychology, law, history, and philosophy (


Network Q promotes theory and research on the diversity of socio-economic systems and capitalist  development in Asia.  New approaches to the study of Asia are needed to better understand how different systems and their socio-economic institutions such as labour markets, capital markets or product markets and outcomes (e.g. comparative advantages, innovation, cooperation) are related. The network promotes studies that examine these relationships as well as how processes of institutional change affect them. The network contributes to an interdisciplinary perspective on trajectories of development within Asia, and their consequences for socio-economic development.


We welcome a wide range of theoretical perspectives (e.g. political economy, economic sociology, management studies, industrial relations, innovation studies and innovation management, neo-institutionalism, and comparative institutional analysis). Topics of particular interest are: state and capitalism; systems of innovation; production networks and value chains; science, innovation, and technology policies; welfare states; innovation and specialization; entrepreneurship; knowledge-based economies; processes and politics of institutional change; varieties of capitalism, internationalization and regional integration; and creation, persistence and plasticity of technological trajectories.


Our research network is looking for proposals for single paper submissions, panels and network conferences (sequences of panels). Submissions should be done through the SASE website. Deadline for applications is January 17th 2017 for abstracts, June 1st for full papers. Guidelines can be found at:

The network is supported by Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (, which will fund the award for the best paper and the travel grants (amount: Euro 1000). To have your paper considered for the prize, please send it by May 15th 2017 to sebastien.lechevalier@ehess. More information will be available on the FFJ and SASE websites.

Please do not hesitate to contact Boy Lüthje (Sun Yat-sen University, School of Government; [log in to unmask]), Tobias ten Brink (Jacobs University Bremen; [log in to unmask]), or Cornelia Storz (Frankfurt University; [log in to unmask]) to share and further discuss your proposals, ideas and plans for our annual research network meeting.


Cornelia Storz
Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Frankfurt\storz


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