SAJHRM is a peer-reviewed scholarly outlet for publications on HRM in and out of South Asia. It includes countries that are members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), namely, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It is listed in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal rankings.
Research Articles:
Nurse Turnover in India: Factors Impacting Nurses’ Decisions to Leave Employment
Abstract: Nursing turnover remains problematic, yet research with nurses is scarce in India. Turnover intentions were examined in this study to identify the critical reasons of the problem and to provide hospitals with information regarding job satisfaction as it is associated with turnover intention. Interviews were conducted with 144 nurses and top management personnel from eight hospitals in southern India. Using critical incident technique, we compared high attrition hospitals (HAH) with low attrition hospitals (LAH) and identified three key themes that distinguished them: the nature of the organization, the nature of employees and human resources (HR) paradox for turnover intentions. The research results could help identify strategies for hospitals that will minimize the high turnover rates while optimizing the levels of staff retention by providing effective work environment and career advancements.
Salient Aspects of Software Professionals’ Performance Context: A Qualitative Study
Abstract: Given the knowledge-intensive performance context, software services organizations heavily rely on employee performance. As these organizations desire and expect high performance, perhaps it is equally important to focus on the context in which the software professionals work, perform and deliver results. This research is an attempt to explore and understand the performance context and its salient aspects. Semi-structured in-depth interviews (N = 44) were conducted with experienced software professionals of five Indian software organizations to understand the software services work set-up, how it shapes their performance context and its underlying challenges. Interview data was analyzed to examine patterns, clusters and common themes. Responses clustered around four facets–project-based work set-up, client involvement, team-related dependencies and nature of work. Specific issues within these facets are discussed in terms of the challenges faced by employees in the software industry, the managerial interventions required and the potential of this area for further research.
Giving Knowledge Workers a Voice through Joint Consultative Councils
Abstract: This case study aims to outline and explore the implementation of a Joint Consultative Council (JCC) and the related outcomes, challenges and issues faced by an information technology (IT) company in Sri Lanka. Implementation of JCC in the company as a form of employee voice was a result of a planned intervention of the new Human Resources (HR) team of the company, with the intentions of increasing employee involvement, commitment, employee relations and most importantly, communication. At the initial sessions of the council ‘tea, towels and toilets’ issues were mainly discussed and an apparent gulf between the management and the employee representatives was apparent. While the council has given some form of voice to employees, it was clearly a ‘voice without muscle’, devoid of any significant joint decision making. After recouping the process to enhance joint decision-making and communication, the proceeding JCC regained the trust and enthusiasm of employees and management. There is a possibility of continuation and subsequent institutionalization of the JCC in the company. However, the process needs more time to establish itself effectively in the company with increased trust between parties. This case study provides practical insights into the creation of a JCC as a form of Non-union Employee Representation (NER) for knowledge workers, addressing a lacuna in knowledge on the practical implementation of JCC, as well as the practice of JCCs among different categories of workers such as knowledge workers. Insights drawn from the case can be used as learning points in creating successful JCCs in organizations.
Human Resource Challenges in Indian Public Health Services
Nandini Sharma, A. Venkat Raman, Sunita Dhaked, Pawan Kumar
Abstract: The quality, accessibility and viability of health services depend primarily on the performance of those who deliver them. Given the strong correlation between the quality of health services and job satisfaction of the health personnel, this study evaluates the problems faced by primary health care providers in India. This cross-sectional study was conducted among middle-level primary care providers operating in the National Capital Region of Delhi, to assess their perception of various issues and challenges related to human resources for health (HRH). They identified gaps in human resource (HR) staffing, training, performance appraisal and compensation, including delays in recruitment, lack of probationary training and failure to link appraisal and compensation to performance. This study contributes to the limited literature on HRH from a broader policy reform perspective, underpinned by stakeholder perspective.
Practitioner Perspective Section
Practitioner Perspectives Section:
Six Thinking Hats Approach to HR Analytics
Book Reviews:
Hazel Conley and Margaret Page, Gender Equality in Public Services: Chasing the Dream
Department of Employment Relations & Human Resources
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