

Reminder: nominations are due January 15 for the 2017 AIB Dissertation
award. See details below or at 

2017 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award

The Academy of International Business (AIB) is now accepting submissions for
the Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award, sponsored by
Henley Business School, University of Reading and Centre for International
Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL). The deadline for nominations is
January 15, 2017.

The AIB Dissertation Award for the best thesis or dissertation in
International Business is open to all Ph.D. and D.B.A. students who will
have successfully defended their theses/dissertations between January 1,
2016 and December 31, 2016. Any topic that contributes to basic or applied
knowledge in International Business, broadly defined, is eligible to compete
for this award, even if the thesis or dissertation has been submitted to
other competitions. The winner will receive a plaque and a US$1,000 cash
award. All finalists will receive a US$500 travel stipend to facilitate the
presentation of their research at the 2017 AIB Annual Meeting in Dubai, UAE.

The AIB Dissertation Award recognizes the tradition of Past President,
Richard Farmer, of Indiana University, who emphasized a holistic approach to
understand the environment of International Business. With new sponsorship
starting in 2013, the AIB Dissertation Award now also recognizes the seminal
contribution of Mark Casson and Peter J. Buckley for their 1976 pioneering
development of internalization theory as an explanation of the Multinational
Enterprise (MNE). In subsequent work, Buckley and Casson have applied
internalization theory to explain other modes of international business such
as international joint ventures, licensing, offshore assembly and the global
factory. Thus since 2013, the AIB Dissertation Award recognizes the joint
importance of the environment of international business and the nature of
the MNE.

The nomination packet should include: (1) a letter of nomination from the
student's thesis/dissertation supervisor or chair and (2) an abstract, not
exceeding 1,250 words (approximately 5 pages at 250 words per page), of the
successfully defended thesis or dissertation. The abstract should describe
the objective of the doctoral research, along with its theoretical
foundation, relation to previous research, methodology, findings,
limitations, and contributions to the field of International Business. The
criteria for the award are relevance and contribution to the field of
International Business, quality of the theoretical framing and the
methodology, and quality of the empirical work (where relevant).

The 2017 Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation Award Selection Committee will
select the finalists, who will then be asked to submit their complete
theses/dissertations for review and will be expected to make presentations
at the AIB Annual Meeting in Dubai, UAE on July 2-5, 2017.

Submission Instructions

Letters of nomination and the 5-page abstracts should be uploaded
electronically by January 15, 2017. Visit the AIB Dissertation Award
submission site at  <> and click on "Manuscript Submission
Form". Please note that you must upload your submission as one document.

In the title page of your abstract, include your current affiliation,
mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, the name of the
institution where the Ph.D. or D.B.A. was obtained, the name of your thesis
advisor, and six keywords describing the topic of your dissertation.

Rebecca Piekkari
Chair, AIB Dissertation Award Selection Committee
Aalto University School of Business
Email:  <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] 


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