International Management Division of the Academy of Management
Call for nominations for the IM Division Outstanding Educator Award 2017
IM Division Outstanding Educator Award recognizes continuous excellence and innovation in international management education at all levels and in a global context. The winner is awarded a plaque and cash prize of $500.
Candidates have to be nominated by others; no self-nominations are considered.
Nominees must have an interest in, and contributed to, international management education.
Nominees must have at least 15 years of education experience in the area of international management.
Nominees must be members of the IM Division.
are evaluated based on the following criteria:
and Evaluation Process
Nomination letter(s) should be e-mailed to the Professional Achievement Awards Committee Chair, Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra ([log in to unmask]) with a subject heading, “IM Division Outstanding Educator Award” by April 1, 2017.
Nomination letter(s) (3 pages maximum) should provide a persuasive explanation of how the nominee meets the eligibility and selection criteria above. The nominee’s curriculum vitae should be appended to the letter.
The Professional Achievement Awards Committee will review all nominations and may select a winner. In keeping with the highest standards, a winner may not necessarily be selected every year.
The award will be announced and presented to the winner at the IM Division business meeting at the AOM 2017 Annual Meeting. The winner’s attendance at the annual meeting is required.
I look forward to receiving your nominations
Best wishes,
P.S. Apologies for the multiple postings