The University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies is sponsoring
Library Travel Research Grants for Spring & Summer 2017. Their purpose is to enable faculty researchers from other U.S. colleges and universities to use the extensive resources of the Latin American and Caribbean Collection in the University of Florida
Libraries ( The grants are funded by a Title VI National Resource Center grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Seven or more travel grants of up to $1,000 each will be made to cover travel and lodging expenses. Grantees are expected to remain in Gainesville, FL, for at least one week and, following their stay, submit a brief (2–3 pp.) report on
how their work at UF Libraries enriched their research project and offer suggestions for possible improvements of the Latin American Collection.
Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents.
Application Deadline:
February 17, 2017
All travel must be completed by July 30, 2017.
Application Procedure:
All applications must be filed electronically and sent in PDF form. To apply for a Library Travel Grant, please send a letter of intent, a brief library research proposal, a travel budget, and a CV to:
Ms. Maira Gutierrez
Program Coordinator
Center for Latin American Studies
Telephone: (352) 273-4715
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Dr. Amanda Phalin
Lecturer, Department of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate
University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Administration
BRY 217, PO Box 117168
Gainesville, FL 32611-7168
Tel: 352.392.6527