Thank you to everyone who submitted a paper or a panel proposal to the AIB 2017 conference within the new deadline. I am very pleased to report that the submissions have been strong, and we have already reached the levels of past conferences. At the same time, we have also received many requests for extension from authors who could either not submit in time, or who had to rush their submission so that they could meet the deadline.
Given that this is the first year for our new deadline (which will permanently be November 15 from now on), we would like to offer a slight deadline extension to our members to give them another weekend to work on their manuscripts. The submission system will remain open until Monday, November 21 for new submissions.
If you have already submitted a manuscript and would like to upload a revised version, please email it to [log in to unmask] and we will replace your submission in the system; please do not resubmit the manuscript as a new submission.
Prof. Dr. Sarianna M. Lundan
AIB 2017 Program Chair
Chair in International Management and Governance
University of Bremen
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