We are holding a workshop at which early career researchers and PhD students can present their papers in preparation for submission to forthcoming International Business conferences. This is an excellent opportunity for International Business researchers and PhD students to obtain constructive comments and suggestions on their work within a very supportive environment.


Researchers and PhD students in all fields of International Business are invited to submit papers for presentation and discussion at the 1-day workshop to be held at Trinity College Dublin. The day will be organised into a number of panels. In these panels, 3 researchers and/or PhD students will make 15-minute power-point presentations, with time for 15 minutes of discussion on each paper. Experienced researchers will provide constructive comments to each presenter.


There will also be two prizes on the day, kindly sponsored by the AIB-UKI. These prizes are in the form of a waiver of the fees to attend the joint 44th Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) conference and 6th Reading International Business conference which takes place next April in Reading University – one for Stream A and one for Stream B students. Stream A is for students who have started data collection, finished data collection or recently completed their thesis. Stream B is for students at an earlier stage of the thesis process, typically before data collection. Students in this stream should have a (tentative) proposal for the topic they want to study, the method they want to use, and the potential contribution to existing knowledge.


Submissions should be a maximum of 30 pages, inclusive of tables and bibliography. The deadline for submission is 5pm, Friday 11 November 2016. Please contact Dr. Jenny Berrill ([log in to unmask]) if you require any further details. Please pass this call on to any of your PhD students in International Business who might be interested in attending the workshop.



There is no cost, and the event will be an excellent networking opportunity.


Dr Jenny Berrill 
Assistant Professor, Business & Administrative Studies

Trinity College Dublin



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