

Dear colleagues,


A curated list of articles that have been published on International Entrepreneurship in Journal of International Business Studies is now online.  If you are interested in the topic, you can download the articles by going to and scrolling down to Collections.  Enjoy!



Becky Reuber


JIBS Collection: International Entrepreneurship

International entrepreneurship is a research domain that has inherently fuzzy and porous borders. As such, it is an area of scholarly inquiry that is varied and receptive to new ideas. We are preparing a JIBS special issue that will illustrate a wide range of international entrepreneurship research perspectives and approaches. Before this issue becomes available, to further help scholars from diverse traditions recognize ways in which they might join conversations about international entrepreneurship, we are pleased to offer this special collection of JIBS articles that represent three important and diverse themes in those conversations.


One theme is an attempt to understand the factors enabling internationalization under resource constraints. Pioneering research highlighted the importance of firm-specific resources and capabilities in allowing very new firms to sell successfully in foreign markets. These ideas have been extended to questions of how firms can overcome the resource constraints of smallness as well as newness, and to the impact of particular market conditions on international behaviors and performance. An important sub-theme focuses on the role of social networks in the pursuit of international opportunities by resource-constrained firms.


A second theme is aimed at shedding light on how firms internationalize under the resource constraints of newness or smallness. This research tends to emphasize the role of experience in explaining internationalization activities over time. The theoretical constructs highlighted include learning, routines, processes and practices. This research also seeks to apply ideas from the entrepreneurship literature – such as uncertainty, opportunity and disequilibria – to understand internationalization processes.


A third theme addresses questions about how entrepreneurship varies internationally. Attention has been focused on understanding how entrepreneurial characteristics, processes and behavior vary across institutional contexts. Given the resource constraints constituting barriers to successful entrepreneurship, scholars are also studying how the decision-making of financial resource providers varies institutionally. Recent research in this area has emphasized the provision of financial resources that support entrepreneurship in developing countries.


Articles in this special collection are listed below in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Special collections are by necessity limited in the number of articles they can contain, and we have chosen not to include Decade Award winning papers in the international entrepreneurship area, or the commentaries about them, since these articles are already influential and easily accessible.


Becky Reuber, Area Editor for International Entrepreneurship, Journal of International Business Studies




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