IACCM Conference 2017 <http://us8.campaign-archive2.com/?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id=763301809a &e=ca7d76f0c3> View this email in your browser <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d/images/41e008ba-aa0 3-4fde-beb4-6ad498bdb1e6.png> Dear colleagues, two weeks left to submit for the IACCM academic track at SIETAR Europa Congress 2017 in Dublin/Ireland, official congress dates: 24-27 May 2017! Submission deadline: 31 October 2017! On our congress webpage <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=44d1456762&e=ca7d76f0c3> http://www.sietareu.org/seucongress2017 you can find all the related information: * Congress Theme and different Tracks * Call for academic submissions (organised in cooperation with <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=9d418aa49c&e=ca7d76f0c3> IACCM) can be found <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id =b99fa68475&e=ca7d76f0c3> here You can submit: * CEMS/IACCM Doctoral Workshops * Academic Paper Presentations * Panel Sessions IACCM Student Bursary Award: The IAACM 2017 Congress Committee is pleased to announce that a limited number of IACCM Bursary Awards are available to students in the early stages of their career who do not have other available means of financial support but would like to take part and share knowledge. Further information online <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id =c0e9bb9c9f&e=ca7d76f0c3> here! Further information about submission to the Academic Track can be found online <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id =96529253b1&e=ca7d76f0c3> here. Submission template can be found <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=7360317a82&e=ca7d76f0c3> here! Online submission via our conference management system here: <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id =dc011b5eba&e=ca7d76f0c3> https://www.conftool.pro/sietareu2017/ Submission deadline: 31 October 2016 Please note that you will be eligible to the reduced congress fee as an IACCM member (membership 2016 and 2017 confirmed). If you have further questions regarding membership please have a look at our webpage <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=58d5a6c0bf&e=ca7d76f0c3> here. We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Dublin! On behalf of the <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=f5f0d70d7c&e=ca7d76f0c3> IACCM Council <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&id =923a0173d1&e=ca7d76f0c3> <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=1696e84e5c&e=ca7d76f0c3> <http://iaccm.us8.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=17e62ed6bdd465097a75a955d&i d=48f7822eb9&e=ca7d76f0c3> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.