

I would appreciate it if you post this updated version.

Dr. Dong-Sung Cho has been a member of AIB since 1977, and Vice President
of AIB during 1975-1977. In this capacity, he hosted AIB's Annual
Conference in Seoul, which broke the record in the number of attendance. He
was inducted as Fellow of AIB in 1998.

*Invitation to inauguration of Dr. Dong-Sung Cho as Incheon National
University (INU) president*

​AIB colleagues,​

It is with great pleasure that I write to request the honor of your
presence at the inauguration of Incheon National University‘s (INU) 15th
president, Dr. Dong-Sung Cho. INU will celebrate the occasion with an
inauguration ceremony on Thursday 8th, September, 2016.

Dr. Cho received a doctoral degree from Harvard Business School in 1976.
Prior to assuming the presidency of Incheon National University, he was
Professor of Strategy, International Business, Management Design, and
Sustainability Management at Seoul National University (SNU) in South Korea
from 1978 to 2014; and Professor of Strategy at Cheung Kong Graduate School
of Business (CKGSB) in Beijing, China from 2014 to 2016.

During the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Cho will speak about the evolution of
Incheon National University into a top-tier international university. INU
is one of two flagship national universities in Korea and boasts a modern
campus, rigorous curricula and world-class faculty. Its main campus is
located in Songdo, a designated International Free Economic Zone (IFEZ)
that houses 385 leading global companies and research institutes operating
mostly in bio-related fields. With the opening of Samsung’s new plant in
Songdo, Korea will become the world’s biggest manufacturer of biologics.
INU is leveraging its unique position at the center of the Songdo
international economic hub to establish a research cluster composed of
thirty R&D centers in partnership with global corporations and research
institutes. Dr. Cho will expound these plans to transform INU into a
bio-focused research university over the next five years when he makes his

Kindly R.S.V.P by no later than Monday, 5th, September to [log in to unmask]
or +82-32-835-9574. Please advise us of any special mobility or dietary
requirements you may have.

I hope you are able to accept this invitation and I look forward to hearing
from you.

Yours sincerely,
Haekyung Yu
Incheon National University
Republic of Korea

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