Everyone, Apologies for cross-posting. Two very important deadlines for the upcoming Geological Society of America Annual meeting are one week from today. Please share! 1. GSA Geoscience Education Division Student Travel Award Deadline: 22 August, 2016 11:59 p.m. PDT If you are a GSA Geoscience Education Division student member and presenting in a Geo Ed Division-sponsored session, you are eligible to apply for travel support to the 2016 GSA Annual Meeting. Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12qjyEAr4aHDeOSj4QW_FxUE9Ln2NTgVpZg5Eqh0zCYo/viewform 2. GSA Annual Meeting & Exposition<http://GSOA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT01ODIzMTcwJnA9MSZ1PTEwNTcxMDM1NDgmbGk9MzcxMjU2MzA/index.html> (GSA 2016) Early Registration Deadline: 22 August 2016 11:59 p.m. PDT 25-28 September 2016 | Denver, Colorado Register early to take advantage of discounted rates, and to make sure that Field Trips and Short Courses meet their minimum requirements. Use the GSA online registration page; it's fast, easy, and secure. Register Now<http://GSOA.informz.net/z/cjUucD9taT01ODIzMTcwJnA9MSZ1PTEwNTcxMDM1NDgmbGk9MzcxMjU2MzE/index.html> Christopher L. Atchison Assistant Professor, Geoscience Education Executive Director, International Association for Geoscience Diversity Chair, Geoscience Education Division, Geological Society of America University of Cincinnati STEM FUSION Center 511E Teachers College PO Box 210022 Cincinnati, OH 45221 513.556.3613 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Help promote access to the Earth sciences: www.TheIAGD.org | [log in to unmask] | facebook.com/TheIAGD | @AccessibleGEO