

Hi, all.

There is a used vehicle needed to sell: 2003 Oldsmobile Alero GLS sedan 4D, white color, 174,600 miles, engine:3.5L V6, automatic transmission. It runs perfectly and never break down on the way or accidents. The  assess value from KBB is 2499 dollars based on very good condition, now I only ask for 2011 dollars. If you are interest, please contact: Lee 517-775-4795 or reply this mail.


回国卖车,2003年Oldsmobile Alero GLS sedan 4D, 174,600 miles,3.5L V6发动机,自动变速箱,车况佳,使用一年从未出过事故或抛锚等情况。Oldsmobile为通用旗下原品牌,其中Alero车型是通用为对抗日本品牌产品重金研发打造。后来由于公司品牌战略定位问题,该品牌被关闭。
