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Dear Colleagues,

Please remember September 1, 2016 deadline for the conference below.

*Conference Announcement*

*The 5th Copenhagen Conference on:*

*‘Emerging Multinationals’: Outward Investment from Emerging Economies*

Date: 27-28 October 2016

Venue: Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark


This year’s conference welcomes all papers related to the
broad conference theme of outward investment from emerging economies. In
addition, the conferenceparticularly invites papers related to *regional
clusters and international linkages*.

Multinational companies from emerging economies (EMNCs) have become major
players in the globalized world economy and wield growing influence on
economic dynamics in developed, emerging, and developing countries alike.
Firms and governments in developed countries increasingly need to engage
with the array of challenges and opportunities presented by emerging-economy
multinationals seeking access to their markets and assets. Important
impacts of outward direct investment from emerging economies (OFDI) will
also be felt in developing host countries, where investments from
emerging economies
are becoming more and more significant. No less important will be the
effects in the home countries of the outward investing firms themselves.
The rise of outward investment from emerging and developing countries
requires further scrutiny theoretically, empirically and methodologically.

All papers related to the broad conference theme are welcome. In addition,
this year’s conference particularly solicits papers with a focus on *regional
clusters and international linkages* of outward investment from
emerging economies.
There are significant opportunities for improving our understanding of the
processes that drive, for instance, EMNCs location decisions or how EMNCs
engage with local environments, and thus to advance theories of the
multinational enterprise. Consequently, we invite empirical and theoretical
work addressing these complex relationships between various firm, industry
and country level drivers and EMNCs behavior.


The emergence of MNCs from emerging economies raises a wide range of challenges
for theorists, business strategists, and policymakers alike. This
year’s conference promotes ‘regional clusters and international linkages’
as a special but not exclusive theme.

   - How do upper-regional, national and subnational differences determine
   the concentration and diffusion of investment from emerging market
   within and across localities?
   - What are the dynamics of motives with which EMNCs invest abroad, which
   strategies do they pursue and which challenges do they face?
   - Can other factors beyond conventional distance provide explanatory
   power regarding the location of emerging market multinationals and
   geographic diversification?
   - Are location patterns and strategies of EMNCs qualitatively different
   from what we know from extant theories?
   - How do EMNCs interact with local environments and how do these
   engagements differ from those of developed country MNCs?

·       Which HRM strategies do EMNCs deploy to engage with local labor

   - How do industrial relations systems interact with EMNC strategies and
   strategy implementation?
   - How do subnational, national, regional and global industry effects
   interact to affect the behavior and performance of emerging market
   - How do EMNCs impact on different types of host economies? How are
   costs and benefits distributed? How are benefits captured? Which new policy
   challenges do they introduce?
   - Do EMNCs differ from developed-country MNCs in terms of corporate
   governance and corporate social responsibility?

·       What distinguishes international investment strategies by
state-owned and privately owned EMNCs? Is government ownership enabler or
liability in internationalization?

·       Which are the roles of sovereign wealth funds?

   - How does EMNC behavior vary between different industries and why?
   - How does the rise of EMNCs influence global competition in different

*Important dates*

Submission of paper deadline:                         1 September

Paper acceptance/rejection:                             15 September

Registration & submission of final paper:      30 September

Conference:                                                      27-28

*Submission & publication*

Please email your paper to [log in to unmask] as an MS Word or PDF document.

Accepted papers will be uploaded to an electronic proceedings on
the conferencewebsite.

As part of the conference, post-conference publication opportunities
of submitted
papers will be explored. We are currently negotiating with the International
 Journal of Emerging Marketsbuilding a special issue around the theme of
 the conference.

The previous conferences have produced special issues of Journal of
InternationalManagement, International Journal of Technology Management,
European Journal ofManagement, International Journal of Emerging Markets,
International Journal ofTechnological Learning, Innovation and Development,
and Asia Pacific Journal ofManagement.

*Conference fee*

The conference fee is EUR250. The fee covers meals, refreshments
and conferencematerials. The concluding dinner is an optional extra.

*Organizing Committee*

·      Bersant Hobdari, Department of International Economics and Management

·      Peter Gammeltoft, Department of International Economics and

*Confirmed Keynote Speakers*

·      Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Professor of International Business and
Strategy, Robert Morrison Fellow, Northeastern University.

·      Grazia Santangelo, Jean Monnet Chair International Business for
European Union, University of Catania.

·      Ilan Alon, University of Adger

·      Rajneesh Narula, The John H. Dunning Chair of International Business,
HenleyBusiness School, University of Reading.

·      Ravi Ramamurti, Distinguished Professor of International Business
and Strategy Director, Center for Emerging Markets*, *Northeastern

*Further information*

For further information contact:

Bersant Hobdari

Department of International Economics and Management

Email: [log in to unmask]


Visit also the conference website:
Best regards,
Bersant Hobdari

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