AIB-CEE 2016 call for submissions to the Paper Development Workshop “Successful Academic Publishing”

Saturday, 1 October 2016, 1-2.30 pm

The overall aim of this PDW is to assist particularly young or inexperienced researchers in their endeavors to publish in reputable international academic journals. A secondary goal of the PDW is to popularize one of IB and strategy journals, The Journal of East West Business, published by Taylor Francis Publishing, among scholars from the CEE region and beyond, by introducing it to conference attendants by zooming in on the journal's profile and publishing requirements.

The format of the PDW has two main parts. In the first part, the editor-in-chief Desislava Dikova will introduce the journal. This part will also be devoted to the theme "Writing Good Papers & Good Reviews" by covering the following topics:

- "What should a good paper look like?"

- "What is a good paper review from the perspective of an Editor?"


The second part of the PDW will be organized as a round table for interactive discussion of a set of pre-selected IB and strategy papers with the PDW contributing scholars (see below). The contributing scholars will provide developmental feedback to authors of English-language full papers and early stage paper ideas (anything starting from 4 pages) in the field of IB and management. We are convinced that this PDW can add a lot of value to the AIB CEE Conference; similar workshops have been quite popular at other related conferences (e.g., EIBA, AIB).

The main purpose of the PDW is to assist in improving the quality of IB and strategy research in CEE and bringing new scholars into the IB field. The PDW is beneficial to junior scholars who have not previously published in international journals, to scholars who are located in universities that offer limited support for international business research, to scholars who are trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g. geography, political science, ethnography, or economic history) but are interested in conducting international business research.

For consideration for the paper development element of this PDW, authors are invited to submit their papers by email to [log in to unmask] by September 1, 2016.

Attention: Papers submitted already to the AIB-CEE conference in Prague can also be submitted to the Paper Development Workshop!

Contributing scholars:

Desislava Dikova is Professor in International Business at Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria) and Editor in Chief for Journal of East-West Business.

Jorma Larimo is Professor and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, Finland

Andreja Jaklic is Professor of International Economics and IB at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), and a member of the AIB CEE Executive Board

Justin Paul is Professor in International Business at University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, USA, Special-Issue Editor of the Journal of East West Business and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Global Marketing.

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