The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement came out of the Black community¡¦s chronic experience with overt and covert racism and its collective frustration with being silenced when confronting the injustice of discriminatory treatment. The deaths of numerous Black men and women at the hands of police¡Xbroadcast through smartphones and shared on social media¡Xgave voice to a modern Black experience largely unknown to and often poorly understood by their White neighbors. Although much of the attention to BLM has been directed toward Black encounters with the police and the U.S. justice system, the chronic devaluing and discounting of Black lives occurs across contexts studied by social and organizational scientists.
The goal of this special issue is to assemble a volume of interdisciplinary manuscripts that seeks to understand the reasons for the Black Lives Matter movement, deconstruct the resistance to it, and identify strategies for effecting positive change that demonstrates the valuing of Black lives. The variety of contexts in which these issues might be addressed includes, but is not limited to: work, health, education, income, politics, and other social contexts. We hope to highlight a diversity of scholarship forms (e.g., empirical papers employing quantitative and/or qualitative methods, theoretical reviews and/or meta-analyses, pedagogical essays, etc.) that can better inform students, scholars, practitioners, and the broader public about the racial dynamics that continue to uniquely disadvantage Blacks¡Xindividually and collectively¡Xas well as promising means of overcoming the intergroup challenges that impede the growth of our broader global community.
A non-exhaustive list of potential manuscript topics include:
¡´ All Lives Matter: An attempt at inclusion or decentering Black voices and reinforcing White privilege?
¡´ How employers respond to BLM in the workplace: Punishment or pride?
¡´ Racial disparities that disadvantage Black workers and devalue Black lives
¡´ BLM in non-U.S. contexts
¡´ Global perspectives on BLM in the U.S.
¡´ The role of women leaders in the BLM movement
¡´ Understanding racial health disparities through the BLM lens
¡´ Bystanders at work: Managing racial trauma and grief at work in the face of BLM
¡´ Overt and subtle forms of anti-Black racism that devalue Black lives
¡´ The role of intersectionality in the BLM movement
¡´ The selection and training of public safety officers: What BLM can teach us
¡´ Community and non-community policing in Black communities in light of BLM
¡´ Black and Blue: Work and non-work experiences of Black police officers in the BLM era
¡´ BLM in the classroom: Supporting grieving students when you don¡¦t have all the answers
¡´ Applying BLM principles to foster greater inclusiveness in organizations
¡´ The roles of BLM in identifying and resolving racial trauma
¡´ Making sense of the #BlackLivesMatter (hashtag) discourse on Twitterverse and other social media sites
If you have any queries, please contact one of the co-editors:
Kecia Thomas: [log in to unmask]
Leslie Ashburn-Nardo: [log in to unmask]
Manuscript Submission and Review
Manuscripts will be double-blind refereed by experts in the area, according to the journal¡¦s peer review process.
Please upload your submissions to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ScholarOne Manuscripts website - select ¡¥Special Issue¡¦ and submit to the issue listed with the title: Black Lives Matter for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion. Submission will be available from November 1, 2016 to December 16, 2016.