Healthy Food Webinar - TOMORROW! Make Healthy Food The Easy Choice: Best Practices for Healthy Food Promotion August 24, 2016 10:00am - 12:00pm EST Register Here <> Hello Julie , Please join Ecology Center, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, and Taste the Local Difference as we explore ways to promote healthy, local, and sustainable food efforts at your business, school, hospital, or food pantry! Register today <>. <> Many businesses, institutions and food pantries are striving to offer healthy, local, and sustainable food choices, but how can we encourage and excite eaters to make the healthy choice? This webinar <> will explore the role of promotion in healthy food choices, offer simple best practices and provide examples of promotion of in school, hospital, retail, and food pantry settings. Participants will learn about key concepts in healthy food promotion and gain some innovative ideas and resources they can use to engage and excite eaters in any setting. Please email [log in to unmask] if you have any questions! This Webinar is brought to you with support from the Health Department of Northwest Michigan Building Healthy Communities project. Connect with Us <> <> <> <> Ecology Center <> 339 E. Liberty Street, Suite 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734) 761-3186 [log in to unmask] UNSUBSCRIBE <> <>