Come and Join Us for An Organic Vegetable Farm Twilight Meeting

Are you a farmer seeking a sound way to till the soil, reduce weeds, and promote beneficial insects? 

Please join us for a demonstration of tillage systems that compliment cover crop residue and reduced tillage.


Program will be on Thursday, Sept 8 - 6:00-8:30 | At the Zilke Vegetable Farm

Join us at 12491 Carpenter Rd, Milan, MI 48160. This is located just off Route 27 south of Ann Arbor.


What’s on offer…

Farm & Farmer Market Tour by Tom and Vicki Zilke

A chance to see-talk-ask-share-learn

§  Tillage and cultivation tools

§  Cover crops and N management

§  Ways to promote beneficial insects


For information or if there is questionable weather, please call (734) 260-2324


Please RSVP--You can register by sending us an email to [log in to unmask].


Light local food snacks will be on offer.



Vicki Morrone
Organic farming specialist
Center For Regional Food Systems at MSU
480 Wilson Rd Rm 303
East Lansing, MI 48824
+011-517-282-3557 (U.S. cell)
sorrone11 (Skype)

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