

Valid till
7.22 Thursday. 要搬新家所以处理家具,厨具和生活用品。下周四就要搬家了请大家速来抢购~短信联系517-974-9172。Please text
to 517-974-9172.
YAMAHA digital keyboard 雅马哈电子琴:20刀 有支架有盒子
Motorola modem 路由器:20刀
Medialink router 路由器:10刀
Computer desk 复合写字台:10刀
Nightstand dark brown 床头柜深棕:5刀
Night stand yellow 床头柜浅黄:5刀
Chest of drawers 立式衣柜:10刀
Bookshelf dark brown 书架深棕:10刀
Bookshelf yellow (big) 书架大黄:5刀
Chair of 3 black blue pink 椅子3个黑色深蓝粉红:2刀 for each
Lamp of 2 red and yellow 台灯2个红色浅黄:1刀 for each
Foldable pink couch (free you and vision) 粉红折叠沙发:10刀 玩偶坐垫随机赠送 (´ᴥ`)
Tall standing lamp: 高大威武台灯:2刀
Coffee machine 咖啡机:2刀
Cooking pot 汤锅煮面锅:2刀
slow cooker 慢炖锅:2刀
Iron pan 炒菜铁锅:2刀
Cooking wok 炒菜大锅:2刀
Glass teacup of 12 一套12只玻璃茶杯:5刀
Mini egg fryer 迷你煎蛋锅:2刀
Pizzas cutter 切披萨的东东:free
Peeler 削皮器:free
Can opener 开罐器:2刀
Slicer 擦丝器:free
Unopened kitchen knife set of 3未拆封厨房用刀三件套:5刀

Thank you all!

Saisi Xue
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