

 Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to copy below for your attention the Table of Contents of the second issue (2016) of the Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business.
Access for submissions of articles and guest edited special issue proposals is in the "Revistes Científiques of the University of Barcelona" website at:

Vol 2, No 1 (2016)

The Role of History in International Business in Southern Europe
Peter J. Buckley, Paloma Fernández Pérez
The Long-Term Impact of Foreign Multinational Enterprises in Spain: New Insights into an Old Topic
Núria Puig, Adoración Álvaro-Moya
Multinationals and Foreign Direct Investment: The Portuguese Experience (1900-2010)
Alvaro Ferreira da Silva
A Short History of International Business in Italy: What We Know and How We Know It
Veronica Binda
An Unexplored Facet of International Business in Greece: Foreign and Diaspora Shareholders in Joint Stock Company Start-Ups, 1833-1920
Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis, Dimitrios Varvaritis
International Business in Southern Europe: Renault in Italy, Portugal and Spain, 1908-2007
Tomàs Fernández de Sevilla
At the Crossroads. Management and Business History in Entrepreneurship Research
Águeda Gil, Ricardo Zozimo, Elena San Román,   Sarah L. Jack
Mitigating the Isomorphic Conflicts Faced by EMNEs in Southern Europe: The Case of Chinese Subsidiaries in Spain
Felix Barahona Márquez, Fariza Achcaoucaou, Paloma Miravitlles
Strategic Alliances in the European Industries of the Third Industrial Revolution
Angel Calvo
Research Notes
Laboratorios Andrómaco: Origins of the First Subsidiary of a Spanish Pharmaceutical Multinational in the United States (1928–1946)
Paloma Fernández Pérez
Historical Drawbacks of Limited Liability
Denis Boyle

Best Regards,

Paloma Fernández Pérez &  Jaume Valls
Editors-in-Chief Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business-JESB

Journal specialized in high quality review essays of relevant topics on business in an evolutionary perspective.

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