(Apologies for cross-postings and duplicates)

Dear Colleagues,

Please kindly find the call for application below:  

SMS HK Special Conference Dec 10-12, 2016

Doctoral & Junior Faculty Workshop


Dr. Xufei Ma, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dr. Cuili Qian, City University of Hong Kong

Dr. Danqing Wang, University of Hong Kong


The Strategic Management Society is pleased to announce a Doctoral & Junior Faculty Workshop to be held Saturday, December 10th, preceding the SMS Special Conference in Hong Kong. The Workshop will be held on the campus of the CUHK Business School.

The workshop will be led by an international panel of senior faculty members with proven research records, who will discuss promising areas for scholarship and insights into developing a research strategy, executing and managing research, and navigating the publication process.

The Workshop will contain a mixture of separate and overlapping components:

(1)   The first half of the day will be focused on discussions of individual issues relating to specific needs of the participants. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their work with members of the faculty panel and other participants, in small groups. For doctoral students, discussions will focus on thesis development and moving from the thesis to a sustainable strategy of scholarship. For junior faculty members, the focus will be on the development a research portfolio and managing a career to maximize success as a scholar.


(2)   The second half of the program will combine all participants, and include two plenary panels:

·     "Conducting Research in the Asian Context": Panelists will present their views of emerging "hot" topics in management that are result from the rising social, economic and political power of countries and cultures within Asia. Participants will be invited to suggest ideas and jointly speculate about how they may play in the wider audience of strategy research.

·     "Meeting with Editors”: SMJ, SEJ. GSJ, and JIBS.  Panelists will share their thoughts on techniques for (1) framing research questions, (2) developing research designs, (3) packaging research outputs, and (4) dealing with editors and reviewers.

Workshop Application and Admissions Process

If you would like to attend the Doctoral & Junior Faculty Workshop, you will need to submit an application by August 1, 2016 to three co-Chairs ([log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]). Your application should include the following:

·     For all applicants,

·     a) a one-page summary of your career to date. Please include your desire to attend the workshop and your commitment to attending if accepted.

·     For doctoral students

·     b) a letter from your advisor or a senior faculty member from your institution, confirming their support for your attendance and that you are a student in good standing at their institution.

·     c) a three-page overview of your thesis topic, findings to date, and work to be done going forward

·     For junior faculty

·     b) a three-page overview of your research, with reference to specific published and unpublished work to date.

For Doctoral Students, admission preference will be given to students whose thesis research is in progress. The thesis ideas should be sufficiently developed to allow for a clear presentation of the theory and research design, while still leaving room for substantial revision and development based on comments received at the workshop.

For Junior Faculty, if you are accepted for participation in the workshop, we will give you the opportunity to submit a paper in process, to be reviewed by the faculty involved as part of the discussions about your research.

Acceptance of a paper at the main Strategic Management Society conference is not required, but attendance at the conference is expected.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact:

The SMS Executive Office ([log in to unmask]) or the Co-Chairs

For more information about the conference, please go to


We hope to see you in Hong Kong!

Workshop Timeline

August 1, 2016

Deadline for Applications

End of September, 2016

Notification of Review Committee Decisions

October 20, 2016

Deadline for Accepted Individuals to Confirm Participation

December 10, 2016

Doctoral & Junior Faculty Workshop



Dr.Danqing Wang

Assistant Professor in Strategy and International Business

School of Business

Faculty of Business and Economics

The University of Hong Kong




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