Dear Colleague
This is to ask your attention for the following new Call for Papers for
Technological Forecasting and Social Change:
Looking forward to hearing from you!
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Now organisations, leadership, entire business ecosystems and society
are facing opportunities and challenges in the realm of disruptive innovation,
this CfP is to invite you to submit to the Special Issue of
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
an international journal
“Disruptive Technology and Innovation in Society”
by the deadline of November 15th 2016
Call for Papers
Guest Editors:
Professor Carla Millar, Fellow, Ashridge at Hult International Business
School and
Professor of International Marketing & Management, University of Twente
(Corresponding Guest Editor)
Dr Ted Ladd,
Hult Professor
of Internet Economics and Strategy and
Global Lead for Research on Creating Disruption,
Hult International Business School
Professor Martin Lockett,
Professor of Strategic Management and
Global Dean Academic Affairs, Ashridge & Hult International Business School
The objective of the Special Issue is to assemble a coherent collection of papers that accelerates the understanding of this topic through conceptual, empirical and theoretical research.
The topic is timely, provocative, and multidisciplinary. It aligns with the core aims of the journal in a challenging way: exploring the implications of innovative disruption on managers, entrepreneurs,
customers, vendors and entire business ecosystems.
The rationale for the special Issue topic is founded in the inter-relationships of social, technical, environmental, and economic inputs and output of disruptive innovation that are mentioned individually
in contemporary academic and popular literature. Our areas of inquiry include the following: the impact of new technology, especially ubiquitous internet connectivity and the ‘internet of things’; the impact of further global integration; the consequences
of changing generational demands; technology-enabled disruptive business models, such as peer networks; the growing importance of sustainability and environmental impacts on both business operations and customer perception; cascading financial crises; and
large scale migration. All of these factors affect business, society and leadership today, as well as projections of the future.
As researchers and scholars, we see a need for specific strategies and instruments to leverage, cope with or profit from such disruption. While the topic of disruptive technology has been discussed
in the academic literature for many years, not much academic research been published on the impact of disruptive technology on macro-systems such as societies or ecosystems, or on specific strategies and instruments to leverage, mitigate, or ameliorate disruption.
Also the influences of disruption have rarely been linked to other destabilising phenomena, which are collectively labeled volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, also referred to as VUCA.
The complex patterns of disruption demand reexamination, reinterpretation and replacement of conventional theories of management. These updates must be multidisciplinary, multicultural, and dynamic,
forward-looking, socially inclusive, and geographically international. We are seeking contributions reflecting different perspectives and methodological approaches that explore innovation at the macro, meso and micro level of analysis, across a range of international
contexts, cultures and industry sectors.
While empirical contributions are encouraged, theoretical and conceptual papers that address the contextualisation of innovation and wider aspects of the disruption debate are particularly welcome.
Hence we may be looking at:
how technology is enabling organisational and social innovation
the role of technology in enabling global disruptive change
potential future disruptive technologies
the role of public policy and organisational strategy in promoting/ constraining disruptive technologies
Specific topics that would be of interest to the special issue editors include, but are not limited to, the following, in terms of technological disruption and forecasting in the VUCA environment:
How society can reinvent itself to cope with global business and technology disruption
Strategies to identify, acquire and exploit disruptive technological resources
Planning techniques to address risks, gaps and opportunities arising from emerging disruptive technologies
Corporate strategy in the light of public sector support for ‘smart growth’ (Europe 2020) in such areas as knowledge, innovation, education, ICT
The value of knowledge management for intra-organizational innovation and cy performance
Organizational perception of disruptive technology and innovation
Design to transform customer service and the customer experience
‘Smart cities’, e-health and similar systemic solutions to social challenges
Achieving recognition and ownership of responsibility, sustainability, ethics, diversity, and well-being within and across organizations
Business model innovations and their relationship to disruptive technologies
Organizational impacts and options arising from prominent new technologies, e.g. social media, social innovation and the role of networks
‘Smart’ environments and their influence on managing people
Technology in relation to social entrepreneurship and new forms of organization
All manuscripts will be single-blind reviewed
Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, an international journal
Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works and are not being submitted elsewhere
Manuscripts should be submitted to by November 15th, 2016
Please indicate both in the uploading process and on your paper clearly that your submission is for the
special issue Disruptive Technology: Innovation in Society.
Paper details:
First page: manuscript title and author(s) names, institutional affiliation(s), contact information
Second page: manuscript title and brief (100 word maximum) biography of each of the authors.
Third page: manuscript title and brief (250 word maximum)
abstract of the paper.
Fourth page:
“Research Highlights.” These short bulleted items should state (not characterize) your research results, as specifically as possible (e.g., “Uptake of nanotech is faster in the auto
industry than in agriculture,” NOT “Analysis shows differences in uptake among industries”) and succinct, impactful interpretations (“Agriculture in Europe is missing a two-billion-euro opportunity”). The Research Highlights should not be a condensation of
your paper’s abstract, but should be framed as if for a press release. Think of the educated press (The Economist, WIRED, Technology Review) and the trade press of the industry your article addresses. Attention from those publications increases your own reputation
as well as TFSC’s.
Fifth page and following: manuscript title followed by the text
of paper.
Third, fourth, and pages following should have no reference to, or name(s) of, the author(s)
The paper is between 4000 and 5000 words in length. In exceptional circumstances a longer paper of exceptional quality may be accepted.
For any further information please contact professor Carla Millar at
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Carla Millar
Prof. Carla C.J.M. Millar PhD
Guest Editor TFSC
Fellow, Ashridge at Hult International Business School,
Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 1NS, UK, 0044 1442 84 1175, 0044 20 7402 4700,
Professor, International Marketing & Management, University of Twente,
NIKOS (Netherlands Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship),
IGS (Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies),
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, 0031 53 489 5355, 0031 33 462 7343;