

SAFS & EFFS students - this course may be substituted for an agricultural/bio elective. 

Sent on behalf of Dr. Jason Rowntree:
I would like to let the undergraduate and graduate students within our department know that I am teaching ANS 490 section 001 and ANS 890 section 001 as an Intro to Holistic Management for Fall 2016. The course is 3 credits and will be taught every Tuesday from 4-7 pm in Anthony Hall.  
Holistic Management is a framework for decision making that helps farm managers, personal individuals and business entities deal with production-environmental-social complexity of management at the landscape level.  
More information on Holistic Management can be gleaned here: <>.
These are the projected course objectives:
Identify key themes and principles in Holistic Management
Assess whether a system is complex or complicated
Improve decision-making skills within the framework of Holistic Management
Identify the four key insights of Holistic Management
Define a whole under management
Apply holistic management to develop an individual or entity Holistic Context
Identify the ecosystem processes of a system and assess process deficiencies in a system
Identify tools to manage ecosystems along with their appropriateness for a given on farm problem
Identify the 8 key decision filters for an on farm decision
Be able to filter how decisions can impact a Holistic Context. 
Total Credits 3, Lecture/Recitation/Discussion 3 hours. Transdisciplinary nature of addressing complex problems in agriculture and society. 
If you are interested in taking the course, please contact Tracy Rich at [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> or stop by 1250 Anthony Hall to sign up for the course. An independent study form must be filled out for each student.
Thank you.