Dear AIB colleagues, I am delighted to let you know about the paper award, sponsored by the Aalto University School of Business, which will be given at the upcoming AIB conference in New Orleans. The Aalto University School of Business “That’s Interesting!” Award recognizes the AIB conference paper that most effectively pushes the boundaries of our existing knowledge in the field. The criteria for the award are based on the extent to which the paper crosses boundaries, challenges taken-for-granted assumptions in the field, denies old “truths”, attracts the reader’s attention, and/or makes an original argument. This is the fifth year in which the award has been given. The award has been named after Murray S. Davis’ seminal article about how to define what is interesting in social sciences (Davis, M.S. (1971) That’s interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology and sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1: 309-344). Nominations for the award, which includes a plaque and US$1000, are made by the AIB conference track chairs, and the winning paper is selected by a committee on which I have the pleasure of working with Eleanor Westney and Udo Zander. The winner of this year’s Aalto University School of Business “That’s Interesting!” Award will be announced at the 2016 AIB conference, on Wednesday, 29th June, at the afternoon coffee break (15.45-16.15, in Napoleon Ballroom CD). The nominated papers are listed below, with the associated session information: Black Swans and the Social Value of Corporate Disaster Giving (Session 3.2.9) Luis Ballesteros, University of Pennsylvania Michael Useem, University of Pennsylvania The Tone at the Top: How CEO Compensation Affects MNC Responses to Host Country Uncertainty and Risk (Session 3.4.5) Mirko H. Benischke, Rotterdam School of Management Orhun Guldiken, Old Dominion University Geoffrey Martin, University of Melbourne Jonathan Doh, Villanova School of Business Sourcing Technology from Home: Does Emerging Firms Always Benefit from Inward Licensing? (Session 2.5.6) Stefano Elia, Politechnico di Milano Surender Munjal, University of Leeds Vittoria Giada Scalera, University of Amsterdam Dancing between Illusion and Reality: Self-Initiated Expatriation of Foreign-Born Bicultural Nationals to Their Country of Origin (Session 3.1.14) Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University Beyond Nation State Thinking in IB Research (Session 1.4.6) Karsten Jonsen, IMD Mental Models and the Multinational - Performance Relationship: Attention, Complexity and Fit (Session 2.3.2) Alexander Leinemann, University of St. Gallen Bjørn Ambos, University of St. Gallen Leviathan as an Inventor: Leader or Laggard? Patenting Intensity, Originality, and Impact in State-Owned Multinational Firms (Session 1.1.5) Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Sergio Lazzarini, Insper Luiz Mesquita, Arizona State University; Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University Institutional Origins of WOFs’ Formal Contracting: A Judicial Arbitrariness Perspective (Session 1.5.9) George White, Old Dominion University Thomas Weber, University of Southern Indiana Kaveh Moghaddam, University of Houston-Victoria Thomas Hemphill, University of Michigan-Flint Warmest congratulations to all of the nominees for the 2016 Aalto University School of Business “That’s Interesting!” Award! Please join us on Wednesday, 29th June, when the winning paper will be announced. Best regards – and safe travels to all who are heading to New Orleans, Beth Aalto University is a multidisciplinary science and art community incorporating the fields of science, economics, and art and design. The university is founded on Finnish strengths, and its goal is to develop as a unique entity to become one of the world's top universities. Aalto University's cornerstones are its strengths in education and research. The Aalto University School of Business (formerly known as the Helsinki School of Economics) is a leading business school in Europe.<> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.