Hello AIB list moderator: May I post the following job announcement? ************************************************************************** Asia School of Business invites JUNIOR AND SENIOR FACULTY The Asia School of Business (ASB) in Kuala Lumpur is launching in September 2016 its inaugural full-time, two-year MBA program in collaboration with the MIT Sloan School of Management with support from the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia). The ASB will serve as an educational platform that contributes world-class business, finance, management, entrepreneurship and leadership education to Malaysia and the region. The ASB’s research program agenda is to develop unique and relevant perspectives on emerging market economies such as those in Asia. The ASB will offer a rigorous core MBA curriculum patterned on the MIT Sloan School core, complemented by action learning projects spanning a broad range of institutions and corporations across SE Asia’s emerging economies. The ASB features a modern, state-of-the–art residential campus adjacent to the vibrant city center area of Kuala Lumpur. ASB faculty will have numerous opportunities for exchange time with MIT Sloan faculty. We are seeking individuals with excellent academic credentials, passion for action learning and action research, and interest in the emerging economies of Asia and SE Asia, who can join our exciting and dynamic start-up team. The ASB invites applications for both junior and senior positions in the following areas: • Organizational studies • Strategy • Entrepreneurship and innovation • Marketing • Finance and accounting • Operations • Economics • OR & statistics Ability to establish successful and sustainable relationships and research programs with industry is highly desirable. Interested applicants should send an email expressing interest to: • Professor Raymond Fung, Asia School of Business, [log in to unmask], +1-510-484-4775 Professor Fung will be representing the Asia School of Business at the AIB conference in New Orleans After an initial discussion, we will request the following a a cover letter with a curriculum vita, b three letters of recommendation; c official transcripts (for new PhD’s); d samples of current research e teaching evaluations (if available). The review process will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. Starting date of the position is expected to be July 2017, although this can be negotiated. Salary is commensurate with field of interest. The Asia School of Business is an equal opportunity institution. Read more about the ASB and the MIT collaboration http://mitsloan.mit.edu/international/partner-programs/asia-school-of-business/.