Management International Review: Call for Papers for a Focused Issue

Pervez N. Ghauri, University of Birmingham (UK)

Amjad Hadjikhani, Uppsala University (Sweden) 

Agnieszka Chidlow, University of Birmingham (UK)

The global liberalization of service industries has captured the attention of a number of international business researchers. Some researchers connect liberalization to the rapid expansion of service firms and elaborate on the value of flexibility in internationalization activities, others consider internationalization of these firms as a strategic challenge, regardless of instability or radical changes in the environment. The internationalization of manufacturing firms and their interactions with other actors in the environment have been the focus of academic research for several decades. However, the internationalization of service firms and the impact of their interactions with society and with policy makers have received very little attention.

In view of the above, the emphasis of this Focused Issue lies in the internationalization of service firms and how such firms manage their interactions with society and politicians in foreign markets. More specifically, the particular attention of this Focused Issue is directed towards internationalization strategies of service multinational enterprises (MNEs), the nature and type of their relationships with other businesses, society and politicians. Therefore, the intention of this Focused Issue is to highlight the increasing inter-dependence between service MNEs, society and governments, and to demonstrate how these relationships are changing over time. 

We propose the following four areas for particular focus:

  • How do service MNEs manage their socio-political interactions in different foreign markets?
  • Do internationalization strategies and interactions with socio-political actors differ due to the specific
  • characteristics of a service industry, such as banks, airlines and retailers?
  • How do different internationalization strategies of service MNEs, during stable and critical business conditions,
  • affect business-government interactions?
  • How do service MNEs influence the interaction between government, institutions and regulations in different
  • markets and to what extent do such firms achieve their objectives?

Papers may address one of the above areas, or any other areas which are relevant and relate to the interaction between governments and service MNEs. We particularly welcome interdisciplinary submissions that complement the international business perspective. In addition, both conceptual and empirical (qualitative, quantitative and mixed- methods) papers are desired. Papers that are accepted or invited to be revised and resubmitted for this Focused Issue will be invited to take part in a paper development workshop at the University of Birmingham or the University of Uppsala.

Submission Information.

All papers will be subject to double-blind peer review:

Kind regards, 
Agnieszka Chidlow


Dr Agnieszka Chidlow

Director of PhD Programmes for The Department of Management

Lecturer in International Business

The University of Birmingham

Birmingham Business School

College of Social Science

Department of Strategy & International Business

University House, Room 238

Edgbaston Park Road
Birmingham, B15 2TY

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Tel.: +44 (121) 41 47488

Office Hours: Wednesdays 11:30-13:00 & Fridays 12:30-14:00