[http://pp.msu.edu/PlantBlastImgs/telecom/Banner-01a.jpg] Telecommunication Systems May 11, 2016 [cid:[log in to unmask]] Telecom Systems utilizes the MSU Service Status system, http://servicestatus.msu.edu<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G7BR7kqAjV9GQD-mmR5MNiLg-Sg9m8eewok3GgsM8JLMMsVfxQVQTwL-igalqvvySLmmmFwti3j3PYjWedU75s2ymh6wBi-oK5Griag5GL1yz9qwCHJQtFe-EYjuy9_u230zCww9C0bnZ9O5RPYXC6wGwiVOIFXoqvoK7PtXved45xmmNs5-u9N8M0-OsFxSTKWWyCVupF4E_bdrhs8KE2n6mQuA_cQP6XsPnscGMToM2c3BTtaBw97DyVLyzN7KYFLAbnwWzA-0uP3LOMMprtShbyVEhwhA7yYWiO_w9ApkwDf540NxzqHPqcU4JCNt&c=KuIPwSx0gI_e1tn-wjKUA1jWKpHkTYeOnTc72TJYHf0Ttu969FykjA==&ch=h8LeRwV_T0o9MoGlVTwePYwmZtzAGAyTFquFF1NrHTtACjWUe1p1pQ==>, to inform their customers of planned and unplanned telecommunication-related service issues. On Sunday, May 15, 2016 MSU IT will update this service to a new system. The updated service features many new options, including the ability to choose the service categories you want to receive notifications about. In addition to an updated look and feel, the new service offers enhanced features including the ability to see at a glance the status of campus-wide systems supported by MSU IT as well as IPF Telecom Systems. Another feature is the ability to select to receive all notifications as you do now, or to only receive notifications about the service categories you are interested in. Note that there may be multiple service offerings listed within a service category. To receive notices on all Telecom Systems services enroll in: Administrative / Auxiliary Systems, Collaboration Tools & Communication / Mobile Services, Collaboration Tools & Communication / Telephony, Collaboration Tools & Communication / Television and Infrastructure / Network. To assist you in enrolling for specific service categories for our service offerings, see the following Telecom Systems service categories: Telecom Services Group Service Category Service Offering listed within the service category Administrative Auxiliary Systems Pinnacle Administrative Auxiliary Systems MySoft Telecom Billing Collaboration Tools & Communication Mobile Services Cellular - AT&T Collaboration Tools & Communication Mobile Services Cellular - Sprint Collaboration Tools & Communication Mobile Services Cellular - T-Mobile Collaboration Tools & Communication Mobile Services Cellular - Verizon Collaboration Tools & Communication Mobile Services Two-way radio Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya Long Distance Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya Remote Worker Services (SIP) Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya Voicemail Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya Voice Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya SMS/Texting/Messaging Service Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Avaya Contact Centers Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Centrex Collaboration Tools & Communication Telephony Centrex Long Distance Collaboration Tools & Communication Television Campus Cable TV Collaboration Tools & Communication Television Comcast Cable TV Infrastructure Network Fiber What you need to do Current subscribers will receive an email on May 15 inviting you to subscribe to receive service notifications from the new application. Current subscriptions will not be transferred to the new service. Both written and recorded instructions (http://go.msu.edu/status-instructions<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G7BR7kqAjV9GQD-mmR5MNiLg-Sg9m8eewok3GgsM8JLMMsVfxQVQT96NUUXHvN01EMS-SGMf995GUROMczxG-bwWKRI3jpCu3ZVn9oow3EYz4Ab6kTaV-Rj5wjOhb-NqihPFUP400hSn7ffF1DM7qZM3692Tv6W3ZC9cl5Mq_9yAk9uvRVUgMAumPG5QtfFSkXC8oMtlrxKSqvpFpNhVdIZ6dT4k5gn-6BbTDDMMHnbeavUO0jDnFJIe-JIIu6TaNzW4JYsq3mJprNiL-fn8b4nFg9NDqEUKkwoB1aa1lweVW91OznXceaIWQKLzzTNrHTyuQFWxuwU=&c=KuIPwSx0gI_e1tn-wjKUA1jWKpHkTYeOnTc72TJYHf0Ttu969FykjA==&ch=h8LeRwV_T0o9MoGlVTwePYwmZtzAGAyTFquFF1NrHTtACjWUe1p1pQ==>) on how to subscribe are available. In addition, a list of services (http://go.msu.edu/service-categories<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001G7BR7kqAjV9GQD-mmR5MNiLg-Sg9m8eewok3GgsM8JLMMsVfxQVQT96NUUXHvN01mXN420VU2azzlIyVl7bd4bovPMvi-hQgeNznPh6Gfd0ww2gq-onIuaJp0D3FhCzlqW-E4GR4H3VeLzV5l1wKFhWzaA7Ql45N934jIz-Uolmz5Ak510sba1zT3bfPeCKGJQPJVm_X2VZkPuPaHSCqoAiiotOszpIbWW8ioIhBaLHbqCOwWLYMNAExH9be-Jf9MuxI7uzq8ApmfSx3U5dmAHpS6mS_FNnKDBkP_zDLAWr-Amv7lD2TrY5_c-AX5lo3ugYK51kQit0=&c=KuIPwSx0gI_e1tn-wjKUA1jWKpHkTYeOnTc72TJYHf0Ttu969FykjA==&ch=h8LeRwV_T0o9MoGlVTwePYwmZtzAGAyTFquFF1NrHTtACjWUe1p1pQ==>) is also available for you to determine the service categories you are interested in receiving notifications about. For your convenience and to maintain continuity of service Telecom Systems will inform our customers of planned and unplanned telecommunication-related service issues utilizing our listserv until July 1, 2016. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the update to Service Status, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk at (517) 432-6200 or [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. IPF Telecom Systems utilizes a listserv to provide customers with information on planned and unplanned telecommunication-related service issues, regulatory mandates, and to inform customers about new service features available. Simply follow the subscribe or unsubscribe link<http://list.msu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=TELECOM-SYSTEMS&A=1>, add your e-mail address and name in the top two fields and click "Join the list." MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities builds and maintains the physical environment for Michigan State University's education, research and outreach missions, and directs the university's sustainability initiatives and long-term infrastructure planning goals. The unit's experienced team of professionals keeps MSU running 24/7/365, delivering an immense menu of services and providing expert analysis for university objectives. Call (517) 353-1760 for emergency service. Website features and news Our website<http://www.ipf.msu.edu/> is up-to-date with the latest happenings. Visit often to catch the latest info. <http://www.youtube.com/physicalplantMSU> Social media corner We are using social media to keep students, faculty and staff abreast of all things unit-related: * Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/MSUFacilities> * Twitter<https://twitter.com/MSUFacilities> * YouTube<http://www.youtube.com/FacilitiesMSU> Contact us Phone/Text: 517.353.5515 Fax: 517.353.6633 E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Listserv Subscribe or unsubscribe from the Telecom-Systems listserv online<http://list.msu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=TELECOM-SYSTEMS&A=1>. IPF Telecommunication Systems | Public Safety Building | 1120 Red Cedar Road Room W110 | East Lansing, MI 48824 | e-mail<mailto:[log in to unmask]> You can remove yourself from the mailing list by sending a mail message to [log in to unmask] with the following command in the first line of the text of your message. SIGNOFF TELECOM-SYSTEMS You will receive confirmation of your request via email.