Call for Applications
Consortium Date: Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Deadline: July 15, 2016
(Please note the early deadline due to the venue all consortium participants will be notified by July 20 and must register for the conference and the cruise by August 15, 2016 If you need a letter for Visa purposes, please apply early and contact us to request
your letter)
Consortium Chair:
Tamer Cavusgil, Ph.D.
Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair - International Business
J.Mack Robinson College of Business
Georgia State University
Email: [log in to unmask]
The New Faculty Consortium is targeted towards faculty who are in the initial stages of their academic careers and who would like to gain insights about teaching, research, publishing and professional development. Faculty members who have earned their doctoral degrees and are in the first three years of their academic careers are eligible to apply.
The New Faculty Consortium is run as a development workshop and provides a forum for interaction for new and junior faculty with senior faculty about how to prosper in their academic career. The workshop will focus on strategies for effective teaching, research, and overall career strategies for developing your career path in academia. You will have a chance to interact with an exciting team of faculty colleagues through experiential discussions and informal conversations.
The consortium will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2016 as part of the AIB-SE 2016 conference, on board the Royal Carribean cruise ship 'Brilliance of the Seas' in the port of Tampa. Although each participant will be required to register for the 2016 AIB-SE Annual Meeting, there will no additional fees for participating in this consortium.
To facilitate close personal engagement, space for this workshop is limited and participation is by application only. We expect about 20 new faculty participants. We also invite deans, department chairs, former workshop alumni and other faculty to encourage their new faculty to apply.
All submissions will be handled through the AIB-SE online submission system. Your application will be handled as if it is a paper being submitted for the conference. In the AIB-SE online submission system, select the Manuscript Submission Form and then select the track: New Faculty Consortium. Upload a short introductory cover letter introducing you and your interest in the new faculty consortium along with your CV, as a single PDF file to complete your submission.Please apply to AIB-SE through the AIB-SE 2016 Online Submission System.
Application Content Requirements:
1. A short introductory cover letter introducing you and your interest in the new faculty consortium (not more than 1 page)
2. Your curriculum vitae
Please submit above requirements as a single pdf file. The deadline to apply is July 15, 2016. Applicants will be notified of the acceptance decisions on July 20, 2016. All applicants must register for the conference and the cruise by August 15, 2016. If you need a visa letter, please apply early. To receive a Visa letter you need to apply to the consortia through the submission system and then request a visa letter by emailing AIBSE at [log in to unmask].
About the Chair
S. Tamer Cavusgil has been teaching international business/marketing for more than three decades. Cavusgil is currently Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair, and Executive Director, Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), at the Institute of International Business, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University.
He has authored more than two dozen books and some 200 refereed journal articles. His work is among the most cited contributions in international business. Cavusgil is also a co-author with G. Knight and J. Riesenberger of the leading text, International Business: The New Realities, 4th Ed., 2016. The text is used by more than a hundred universities around the world, and has been translated into Mandarin, Korean, and Portuguese. He is also the founding editor of the Journal of International Marketing and Advances in International Marketing. Tamer earned his undergraduate degree from the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and his MBA and Ph.D. degrees in business from the University of Wisconsin.