To ALL WOMEN Ph.D. STUDENTS who do not receive enough money to attend the conference, you might be eligible for this conference scholarship.

Based on the types of applications WAIB received this year, and subsequent deliberations among the WAIB Executive Board, we’ve decided to be more inclusive and lift the requirement that doctoral student applicants be from low-income countries. We all know that even in high-income countries, many universities don’t provide adequate funding for doctoral students to go to conferences, and WAIB wants to help.


Applications must be received by May 25th by 8pm (20:00) Eastern Standard Time (New York time zone).


The WAIB Helping Hands Campaign provides $500 of scholarship money for AIB women Ph.D. students, and junior scholars from low-income countries, to attend the AIB Annual Meeting in June.


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To qualify, scholarship applicants must: 1) be a full-time female faculty member or full-time female Ph.D. student, 2) be presenting an accepted paper at the upcoming AIB Annual Meeting this June, 3) be the first or second author of the paper she will present, 4) meet the low-income threshold as outlined in the application form below, and 5) be willing to volunteer support at WAIB conference events.


To qualify, scholarship applicants must: 1) be a full-time female faculty member from low-income country, a or full-time female Ph.D. student, 2) be presenting an accepted paper at the upcoming AIB Annual Meeting this June, 3) be the first or second author of the paper she will present, 4) meet the low-income threshold as outlined in the application form below, and 5) be willing to volunteer support at WAIB conference events.


Submit the application form below, completed in English, via e-mail to:

Dr. Amanda Bullough

President of Women in the Academy of International Business

Assistant Professor of Management

University of Delaware

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