

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sonia Underwood <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Multiple Post-Doc Positions Available at Florida International University
> Date: April 18, 2016 3:12:01 PM EDT
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Reply-To: Sonia Underwood <[log in to unmask]>
> Dear Colleagues,
> In sunny Miami Florida we are currently searching for at least six post-doctoral researchers to fill multiple positions at Florida International University. There are various projects and types of positions available. Information about these positions and how to apply are attached. Please feel free to share this announcement with your neighboring colleagues as some of these projects are not chemistry education specific. 
> Thank you,
> Sonia 
> -- 
> Sonia M. Underwood
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
> STEM Transformation Institute
> Florida International University
> Miami, FL

Florida International University’s STEM Transformation Institute is seeking to fill at least six postdoctoral
researcher positions for multiple projects, including, but not limited to:
• NSF-funded project "Beyond Active Learning: Learning Assistant (LA) Supported Pedagogies in
Large Lecture Science Courses." Our work will investigate how active learning methods and
undergraduate Learning Assistant support contribute to the learning gains, achievement,
retention, and persistence of learners and is in collaboration with University of Colorado Denver
and North Dakota State University.
• Curricular reform initiatives underway in introductory general chemistry courses, including
implementing an alternative general chemistry course (Chemistry, Life, the Universe and
Everything – CLUE). The research will involve administering and analyzing various assessments
within the courses to measure the impact of the alternative curriculum at FIU on both cognitive
and affective domains.
• [NSF-funded research project “American Physical Society (APS) Bridge Program”. The research
involves survey development and deployment, interview and other qualitative research on
graduate students (including periodic travel to APS Bridge Sites), analysis of primary and
secondary data sources, and dissemination activities within the APS and the broader
PER/graduate education communities.
• FIU’s Project UP:LIFT (University Paradigm: Learn, Interact, Facilitate, Transform) that is an
institution-wide initiative to deploy state of the art evidence-based instruction and advanced
classroom assessment throughout critical Gateway and STEM courses. The project will employ
both research-focused and teaching post docs to implement and study classroom practices.
The primary objective of all post-doctoral researchers will be STEM education research; however, we will
instantiate several teaching postdocs, a hybrid design that integrates teaching experience with research
activities to facilitate implementation of evidence-based practice while preparing the candidate for an
academic career. We invite candidates to apply to one or more of the initiatives above from all STEM
disciplinary backgrounds, with preference given to those with significant experience in education
FIU’s STEM Transformation Institute is dedicated to advancing research and educational change that
utilizes evidence-based instructional practices and engages in multidisciplinary collaborations across the
Colleges of Arts, Sciences & Education, and Engineering & Computing. Hallmark programs include a
Learning Assistant (LA) program that impacts over 20,000 student enrollments in 10 STEM disciplines
annually; Modeling Instruction at the high school and college levels; and multiple HHMI- and NSF-funded
research projects. STEM Institute faculty leadership includes Laird Kramer, Eric Brewe, Maria Fernandez,
Zahra Hazari, Geoff Potvin, Rita Teutonico, and Sonia Underwood. The STEM Institute is also in the
midst of hiring additional DBER hires across the STEM disciplines. These faculty are joined by 12
postdocs and staff, over 60 Faculty Fellows across campus, as well as dozens of graduate and
undergraduate researchers.
Candidates for these positions should have completed their PhD in a science education research field
(e.g. science education, or biology, chemistry, or physics education) or in a STEM field with significant
interest in developing education research expertise. The ideal candidates will have experience working in
undergraduate science education research, and have strong quantitative research skills and experience,
including survey and concept inventory data collection and analysis, classroom observation, and HLM.
Experience with the R software package and network analysis would be an added benefit.
To apply, please send a cover letter, CV and the names of three references to [log in to unmask]
Please indicate which project you are specifically interested in pursuing and how your qualifications
specifically suit you for that position. For more information, please email [log in to unmask] or contact any of
the faculty listed above.