Hi all (and I apologize for any double posting for those on both lists I am addressing).
My colleagues and I, here at the university of Calgary, are in the midst of acquiring funding to develop virtual field trips, mainly for our introductory classes. With 400-500 students per class, it’s a bit difficult, logistically, to take them out into
the field. Anyway, our granting institution wants to see our proposal better grounded in the literature on virtual field trips, so I am asking you, my esteemed colleagues, if you have any resources (published or not) concerning, either the development, the
implementation, or the evaluation of virtual field experiences in geoscience or related science classes.
I am happy to make a list of such resources and share them with the community, if that seems worthwhile. Also, these virtual field experiences will be considered Open Educational Resources (OERs). They will be online, and free to anyone who wishes to use
them. I will also spread that word when the time comes.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards, Glenn
Glenn Dolphin, PhD
Tamaratt Teaching Professor
University of Calgary
Department of Geoscience
Earth Science 118
2500 University Drive NW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4