

 WAIB Best Paper Award

Purpose: The WAIB Best Paper Award goes to the best paper that increases gender awareness in international business research.

Criteria: To qualify, papers must 1) be complete and finalized papers that have not been accepted for publication, 2) have been presented as a competitive paper at any AIB conference (including regional conferences) in the immediate May 2015-May 2016 year, 3) explicitly analyze women and/or gender as a key topic within the paper, and 4) have at least one author who is a member of WAIB. Neither paper acceptance nor physical presence at the upcoming AIB Annual Meeting is required.

Process: To be considered, authors must submit the full paper and an accompanying 1-page single-spaced executive summary of the key contributions, methods, and findings of the paper. Both of these documents must be sent as attachments to the President of WAIB, Amanda Bullough at [log in to unmask] by May 15th. A committee will evaluate nominations. The winning author(s) and runners up will be announced at the upcoming AIB Annual Meeting in June and on all WAIB electronic communications: WAIB-L listserv, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Winners will also receive a paper certificate suitable for framing (in person at the annual meeting in June, or via email).



Dr. Amanda Bullough

Assistant Professor of Management

President of Women in the Academy of International Business

Lerner College of Business & Economics

University of Delaware

Business Administration Department Office 311

Newark, DE 19716

PH:  302-831-1778; Fax: 302-831-4196

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